On Friday,ASIC said it would closely monitor Macquarie Group's private wealth division for another year.

On Friday,ASIC said it would closely monitor Macquarie Group's private wealth division for another year.Credit:Bloomberg

Mr Kell said that ASIC had uncovered cheating when the regulator had originally investigated Macquarie more than two years ago for compliance breaches and poor record keeping,a probe that resulted in a two-year enforceable undertaking between ASIC and Macquarie in which the investment bank agreed to clean up its problems,described as"systemic"by ASIC.

An EU is a deal between the regulator and a company which avoids potentially lengthy and expensive legal action.

On Friday,ASIC said it would closely monitor Macquarie Group's private wealth division for another year,after having already given Macquarie two years to fix its problems under the EU. Macquarie has been required to contact and compensate clients impacted by its compliance failings;last year it sent almost 190,000 letters to clients.

But Mr Kell said an investigation of individual advisers who had cheated on exams would not lead to further action against those involved,due to difficulties in pursuing penalties within the regulatory framework."The priority is on advisers who have caused detriment,put clients in the wrong products and caused loss."

Financial advisers are required to pass regular professional development exams.

ASIC's confirmation of cheating at Macquarie follows a Fairfax Media investigation last year which revealed the existence of the so-called"Penske file",a cheat sheet for professional exams that was circulated among Macquarie advisers. It was dubbed the"Penske file"in reference to an episode of US sitcom Seinfeld. Macquarie has complained to the Press Council about Fairfax Media's reporting of cheating.

At the time of the investigation,Macquarie said it had investigated the claim of"circulation of answers to competency examinations by management"and"found no evidence of it". When later told by Fairfax that its reporters had seen the"Penske file",Macquarie said:"If it does exist,Macquarie encourages[The Age] to provide the document to Macquarie and ASIC so that it can be properly investigated."


Mr Kell said on Friday that"there will be no Penske files in the future".

Macquarie's head of banking and financial services Greg Ward will update investors and analysts on Tuesday on measures being taken in the wake of the EU.

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