A wreath at the gate for a Queensland flood victim.

A wreath at the gate for a Queensland flood victim.Credit:Paul Harris

Police released the names and photographs of many of the dead and the 14 people still missing,who are from Toowoomba and the Lockyer Valley,where a wall of water destroyed homes and buildings last Monday.

Mr Swan said the federal government had already paid out $52 million in immediate support to victims,and the Queensland and federal governments yesterday gave an additional $10 million each to the Premier's flood appeal,which has raised $85 million. Ms Bligh promised all the money would go directly to victims.

Mr Swan urged Australians to give to the appeal''because in economic terms the scale of this disaster is probably the largest in Australia's history''.

Ms Bligh said 500,000 square kilometres of the state,including 86 towns and cities,had been affected and that 2 million people were living in areas declared disaster zones.

Governments would have to pay billions of dollars to replace destroyed infrastructure,she said.

Warning residents that many of their homes would be uninhabitable for weeks,months or even years,Ms Bligh said 28,000 Queensland homes would need to be rebuilt.

She said police and army personnel were being systematic and rigorous in the search for bodies in homes,fields and creeks in the Lockyer Valley.


''We need to be confident that bodies that are in the town of Grantham are recovered,''she said.

''And people,I hope,will understand the pressure that the police are working under in these sorts of circumstances and be patient. They are working as hard as they can to be in a position to allow people back into Grantham as quickly as possible.''

Queensland police yesterday warned of scams aimed at flood victims. The scams include tricking victims into giving bank details to people who claim they will help obtain emergency funds.

Scammers claiming to be tradesmen are also going into affected areas offering to repair the damage and demanding up-front payment before disappearing.

As 12,000 volunteers joined a massive second day clean-up in Brisbane,the residents of the suburbs of Milton and Auchenflower suffered fresh misery when floodwater again inundated their streets as a high tide lifted the level of the Brisbane River.

Residents had only just started cleaning up after Wednesday's flood that swamped large areas of Australia's third-largest city.

In a letter,Prime Minister Julia Gillard asked major businesses to contribute.

"I am sure the eventual cost will be vast,as will the contribution from the Australian government,"she said.

Ninety-two schools were inundated and 86 childcare centres made inaccessible.

Flooding remains a major concern in the western Darling Downs town of Condamine,where evacuated residents will have to wait until the middle of the week after the second major flood in three weeks.

The Red Cross,which is managing evacuation centres,is still accommodating 1000 evacuees,600 of them in Brisbane and 200 in Ipswich.

A Red Cross spokeswoman said planning was under way to find alternative accommodation for people who could not return to their damaged homes.

In a centre at the Brisbane showgrounds,Tri Hoang,30,said he feared for the health of his four-month-old son,Bau,if he returned to his rented house that was inundated last Wednesday.

The baby has a serious rash,which a doctor at the centre has treated.

"I can live anywhere but I worry about my son,"said Mr Hoang,who is a student at the University of Queensland with his wife,Minh,27.

More than 20,000 homes in Brisbane remain without power,including four high-rise buildings in the central business district.

Most of Ipswich's businesses are expected to reopen this week.

Brisbane's fruit and vegetable market,which was inundated in the flood,is expected to open in a limited capacity today. The market usually supplies three-quarters of the city.

Ms Bligh again warned people to avoid entering the receding waters after reports of a mystery infection believed to be flood related.

Nurses are administering free tetanus injections to volunteers.

Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd was treated in hospital for an infected foot at the weekend after entering water to help victims.

"The water is toxic and if you have a cut or scratch and this water gets into it,then you are at risk of serious infection,"Ms Bligh said.

The Australian Defence Force has now deployed 1447 personnel across the state to help the recovery effort.

A navy minesweeper will arrive in Morton Bay today to try to locate large debris that was swept down raging torrents into the sea. Debris that is a danger to shipping will be removed.

The soldiers are doing a variety of tasks,including manning evacuation centres,helping to mop out houses and businesses and directing traffic.

Mapping experts in Defence planes have also flown over affected areas to record the extent of the floods to help with planning for floods.

Dirranbandi,in the state's south-east,remains isolated. A Chinook helicopter is to deliver 17 pallets of supplies to the town today.


At Condamine,it may be Wednesday before its 150 residents can return home after being evacuated around the middle of last week,just days after returning home after a record flood inundated most of the town's homes and businesses.

Mayor Ray Brown said the Condamine River was expected to peak around 14.8 metres around midnight last night,below the 15.2 metre record set at the start of the month. With AAP

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