NSW Premier Mike Baird has declined to offer his support for the Politicians'Pledge.

NSW Premier Mike Baird has declined to offer his support for the Politicians' Pledge.Credit:Edwina Pickles

We need a new ethical foundation for the practice of politics – something that transcends party,ideology or policy. It is with this in mind that we have joined with the Herald in a campaign to encourage our fellow citizens to request every candidate in the forthcoming election to take the Politicians'Pledge.

Just over a week ago we wrote to NSW Premier Mike Baird and other political leaders about the Politicians'Pledge as a matter of courtesy – seeking neither endorsement nor approval. The Leader of the Opposition,Luke Foley,responded positively and has signed the Pledge. A similar positive response came from John Kaye on behalf of the Greens and Fred Nile. However,the Premier and a few others have declined to offer their support – perhaps mistakenly believing we were looking for a party-wide response rather than what we actually offered – an opportunity to demonstrate personal leadership.

Neither the Ethics Centre nor theHerald are asking political parties and politicians to sign the Politicians'Pledge. We have no right to ask this. Our appeal is directly to those who do have that right – the voters – offering them a simple,practical tool that can be used to engage with every politician in their electorate. This is an opportunity for every one of us to get in touch with our politicians and ask them for something really important – a promise of basic decency and integrity – a promise they make to us on an individual basis and not as a member of a political party. It is a promise I believe the people of NSW deserve to receive from each candidate – if they care to offer it.

Now,it could be said that the Pledge is a'toothless tiger'– ineffective because it is unenforceable by any public authority. In my opinion,such criticism misses the point. It is my expectation that citizens will keep a close eye on the performance of those who take the Pledge. Of equal importance will be the role of the media – with journalists playing their traditional role of holding up the mirror of accountability to those who volunteer for public service. However,I am hopeful that a pattern of inter-personal accountability will form in which politicians will take the lead in holding each other accountable – not merely as a cheap,political tactic designed to score points but for the sake of our democracy.

Indeed,this is the most important point. Although most (if not all) politicians have a natural interest in securing their personal and party objectives,they have a more fundamental duty – that is,to promote and preserve the underlying integrity of our democratic polity. This is especially important at a time when we collectively face so many challenges. For example,there are some in the world who wish to deny the validity of our whole system of self-government – with its deep regard for civil liberties and the rule of law. Extremists of all types – religious,political,whatever … are the first to exploit any perceived reduction in the moral authority of our democracy. So,let's shore it up.

The resilience of our democracy is also being put to the test by the circumstances of our times – with profound challenges to be met in the face of climate change,difficult economic conditions,terrorism,an epidemic of domestic violence,etc. Some people (especially younger people) are beginning to doubt the capacity of the democratic system of government to meet these challenges. Unfortunately,this relative loss of faith has been exacerbated by the perception that some of our elected politicians have,at best,only a trivial regard for the public interest.

Our society benefits from robust argument,competing policies and contending ideologies – championed by politicians of all stripes. We should applaud those who are willing to give up a huge amount of time and much of their personal lives to help improve our society. But we will only be able to do so if our politicians accept that they have one thing in common – a duty to adopt and uphold a shared ethical foundation on which we might recall the best of our democratic ideals.

To that end,I would ask every citizen to invite candidates standing in their electorate to take the Politicians'Pledge. Our motto:"Ask early,ask often!"

Simon Longstaff is executive director of St James Ethics Centreethics.org.au

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