Controversy ... Alan Jones's comments have created a furore.

Controversy ... Alan Jones's comments have created a furore.Credit:Marina Neil

"No,no look,hang on,this is where we are weak. This is where we are weak,"Jones said."Can you believe that they have gone,the federal party because they've been brainwashed by the media to'oh back off,she's a woman,go easy'."

His remarks were met with outrage tonight,with thousands of people taking to social media to condemn his stance.

A list of advertisers on 2GB was being circulated,with calls for those companies to boycott the Jones show or 2GB altogether if he is not removed or disciplined.

Jones's comments were recorded at a $100-a-head Sydney University Liberal Club President's dinner held at the Waterfront Restaurant at the Rocks last Saturday.


The club tweeted the next day:"Brilliant speech by Alan Jones last night. It's no wonder he's the nation's most influential broadcaster!"

Attendees at the function were running for cover last night,with two leading Liberal Party members tellingThe Sun-Heraldthey had not heard the comments,despite listening to Jones's entire 50 minute speech.

State Liberal MP Ray Williams toldThe Sun-Herald:"It was a loud room and a long speech. I recall Julia Gillard being mentioned but not John Gillard."

Young Liberal president Simon Fontana,a staffer for Community Services Minister Pru Goward,also insisted he did not hear any claim that John Gillard had died of shame.

He toldThe Sun-Heraldhe had listened to the entire speech but did not hear anything about Mr Gillard's death.

Last year,Jones said of Ms Gillard:"I'm putting her into a chaff bag and hoisting her into the Tasman Sea."

Jones has also claimed her behaviour in imposing the carbon price"borders on the treasonous",and has agreed with one of his callers regarding Ms Gillard:"Yeah,that's it. Bring back the guillotine!"

Mr Gillard,83,whom the Prime Minister described as her"inspiration",died in Adelaide this month after a long illness."Above all,he taught me to love learning and to understand its power to change lives,"Ms Gillard said.


"He always regretted his family background meant he had not proceeded on to higher education as a young man. He was determined that I had the opportunities he was denied. I will miss him for the rest ofmy life."

Ms Gillard,who was in Russia at the time of her father's death and was close to him,immediately flew back to the family home in Adelaide to grieve with her mother,Moira.

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