Jarrod Bleijie sports a rat in Queensland Parliament question time.

Jarrod Bleijie sports a rat in Queensland Parliament question time.Credit:Shane Doherty/Nine News

It was left to Pyne's former ALP comrades to use the word"rat"in social media posts.

Bleijie's question began facetiously,"In this'Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig'month I refer to the Minister for Police's statement as a minister regarding his rat-shooting rampageā€¦"

Labor MPs Pat Conroy and Tim Watts bow to the Speaker after being ejected from the House of Reprentatives for displaying unicorn props.

Labor MPs Pat Conroy and Tim Watts bow to the Speaker after being ejected from the House of Reprentatives for displaying unicorn props.Credit:Andrew Meares

Speaker Wellington ruled the question out of order. Given his desire to improve the standard of conduct in the Queensland parliament,he should have also booted Bleijie out.

Two ALP members of the federal parliament,Tim Watts and Pat Conroy were sent from the House of Representatives last month for displaying toy unicorns,after Treasurer Morrison accused the ALP of selling the public a unicorn with its policy on negative gearing. Standards are obviously higher in Canberra.

Both political games and children's games were played in the Senate last week. Senator James McGrath fronted with Lego for the overnight Senate filibuster.

We,the voters,are largely protected from these stunts by the parliamentary standing orders that are enforced,or not enforced,by the Speaker.


Back in Queensland,Bleijie behaved like a yob for the rest of that day in parliament. During the adjournment debate at 10.18pm that night,a tearful ALP minister Mark Bailey was pleading the case of Mojgan Shamsalilpoor,an Iranian refugee locked in a Darwin detention centre,having been extracted from community detention by the goons of BorderForce. Bleijie interjected,claiming the minister had gone beyond his three-minute time limit.

He was warned by Speaker Wellington,"You have been here for some time. You know the requirement. If you are going to interject,interject from your assigned seat. Let us not be too precious".

Our Members of Parliament lament their low public esteem.

Every year since 1976,Gary Morgan has polled on"honesty and ethics in the professions". In 2015 only 14% of those surveyed regarded state MPS as"honest and ethical". Even TV reporters rate more highly on 15%. Federal MPs were regarded with greater disdain at 13%. Only car salesmen,insurance and stock brokers,and"advertising people"ranked lower. For the record,the most highly regarded professions were nurses (91%),pharmacists (84%) and doctors (84%).


I recently interviewed an Australian legend,Everald Compton,who had just spent three days in Canberra lobbying MPs on his agenda for ageing Australians. Everald's first visit to Canberra was to see Harold Holt (Treasurer 1958-66) present a budget under Menzies. Since then,he says,the quality of parliamentary debate has declined markedly,as has the quality of those doing the debating.

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