Nick Kyrgios:"As soon as I lost the first set,I just lost belief. Obviously felt like a mountain to climb after losing the first."

Nick Kyrgios:"As soon as I lost the first set,I just lost belief. Obviously felt like a mountain to climb after losing the first."Credit:Getty Images

"It also brought back — and this really annoys me — the times when people say,'Who's she? What's she done?'That's irrelevant. It's f---ing irrelevant to what I've done in this role.

"It's a perception of some people that if you're not a gold medallist or swimmer or rower or track and field runner,you're no good. Nobody knows my story."

The tweet was the latest in a string of insults hurled at Ms Chiller via Kyrgios'Twitter account. Infuriated,Chiller promptly emailed AOC media boss Mike Tancred after reading the tweet."I have had it. Absolutely unacceptable,"she wrote.


Within hours of the interview appearing online,Kyrgios'posted the retort on his Twitter account,with many of his supporters applauding his response.

Ambitious:Australian chef de mission Kitty Chiller speaks during the Australian Olympic Games rugby sevens team announcement at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney on Thursday.

Ambitious:Australian chef de mission Kitty Chiller speaks during the Australian Olympic Games rugby sevens team announcement at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney on Thursday.Credit:Getty Images

The 21-year-old tennis star had spent much of 2016 jabbing away at Chiller on social media;the Australian Olympic Committee's endorsement of his inclusion on the team becoming less likely with each tweeted insult.


"It was awful,"Chiller said in the Fairfax interview."It's not nice. It's just lonely. It's just really lonely. Everyone wants to be liked,so it wasn't easy.

Kyrgios dramatically announcedhe would not compete at the Rio Olympics in June,citing"unfair and unjust treatment"by the AOC,which he said had launched"unwarranted attacks"against him.

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