Wayne Byres'tougher capital rules have taken the risk of large equity raisings off the table,analysts said.

Wayne Byres' tougher capital rules have taken the risk of large equity raisings off the table,analysts said.Credit:Louie Douvis

The announcement also signals the end of a near decade-long process in building up resilience in the sector,a persistent source of market uncertainty.

Investors cheered the news,boosting shares in Westpac,Commonwealth Bank,National Australia Bank and ANZ Bank by 3 per cent or more,as the banks signalled they would be able to satisfy the rules without dramatic changes.

"The scenario where banks had to raise significant capital appears to be off the table for now,"said managing partner at Arnhem Asset Management,Mark Nathan.

Mr Nathan said the banks'highly prized dividends also looked"safer",though were not likely to increase. National Australia Bank and Westpac in particular have high dividend payout ratios,which could put dividends at risk from other factors,such as a rise in bad debts.

David Murray backed the move by APRA that stemmed from his review.

David Murray backed the move by APRA that stemmed from his review.Credit:Louise Kennerley

"I don't think dividends are totally out of the woods,especially for Westpac and NAB,"Mr Nathan said.

Commonwealth Bank,which had a capital ratio of 9.7 per cent at its latest trading update,faced a"slightly more arduous capital build",Mr Nathan said.

Each of the major banks indicated they were on track to hit the target,which stems from a 2014 financial system inquiry chaired by former Commonwealth Bank chief David Murray,who called for"unquestionably strong"banks.

ANZ Bank is viewed as best placed – with finance chief Michelle Jablko saying it would hit the 10.5 per cent target"well ahead"of the 2020 deadline.

I don't think dividends are totally out of the woods,especially for Westpac and NAB.

Arnhem Asset Management's Mark Nathan

Mr Murray said APRA had done a"good job"in creating certainty about their expectations,and played down the chances of banks changing dividends as a result of the new capital regime.

"I think it's sufficient to give the community confidence and give the banks certainty about where they need to be,"Mr Murray said.

APRA's chair Wayne Byres said the changes could be achieved in an"orderly"way,and the new target would lower the need for any future taxpayer support for banks.

"APRA's objective in establishing unquestionably strong capital requirements is to establish a banking system that can readily withstand periods of adversity without jeopardising its core function of financial intermediation for the Australian community,"he said.

Macquarie banking analyst Victor German estimated NAB,Commonwealth Bank and Westpac had an average capital shortfall of $2 billion to $4 billion. Mr German also said banks would be able to meet the capital shortfall through retained earnings or their dividend reinvestment plans,without the need for capital raisings.

"Given that the number is very manageable,I think there's a bit less pressure on them to do anything soon,"he said.

Standard&Poor's said the change would not affect the banks'credit ratings,but it should support their creditworthiness.

Westpac finance chief Peter King said the bank was"well positioned",after reporting a 10 per cent capital ratio in March this year.

National Australia Bank reported a 10.1 per cent capital ratio in March,and its finance chief Gary Lennon said the bank would be able to hit the targets in an"orderly fashion".


Commonwealth Bank of Australia had a 9.7 per cent capital ratio at its latest update,and chief financial officer Robert Jesudason also said the bank was"well placed"to meet the new requirements.

Smaller banks face a lower 0.5 percentage point lift in their capital requirements,APRA said.

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