West Indies cricketer Chris Gayle arrives at the NSW Supreme Court in Sydney during the trial.

West Indies cricketer Chris Gayle arrives at the NSW Supreme Court in Sydney during the trial.Credit:AAP

"I came all the way from Jamaica to actually defend myself and my character as well. At the end of the day I'm very,very happy,"Gayle said outside the Supreme Court in Sydney.

He said he was"not really worried about money ... more about[my] character".

"I'm a good man. I'm not guilty,"he said.

The cricketer likened the win to a"triple century"because the jury answered"no"three times when asked whether Fairfax had established the"substantial truth"of three allegations,namely that he intentionally exposed his genitals,indecently exposed himself and indecently propositioned the woman.


Fairfax's solicitor,Minter Ellison partner Peter Bartlett,said outside court he was"shocked"and"disappointed".

"I think there are grounds of appeal and we'll be looking at that very carefully,"Mr Bartlett said.

"It will cost the company a lot of money unless we can reverse it on appeal."

A spokesperson for Fairfax said the company was"concerned with the conduct of the trial to the extent that on Friday it sought an order that the jury be discharged and a new trial ordered".

"The judge[Supreme Court Justice Lucy McCallum] accepted that the jury had been misled in a way that prejudiced Fairfax,but declined to discharge the jury,"the spokesperson said.

"Fairfax believes that it did not get a fair trial. It is seriously considering its appeal rights."

Gayle,38,had told the court the allegations,made by team masseuse Leanne Russell,were"heartbreaking"and he felt compelled to come to court to"clear my name".

His teammate,Dwayne Smith,was present in the dressing room at Drummoyne Oval at the time of the alleged incident.

Smith insisted it"did not happen"and said"that's something you would remember"if it did happen.

Gayle's long-time friend,UK-based cricket coach Donovan Miller,told the court on Thursday that,since Fairfax had published the articles,Gayle had become"very reserved and scared"in public places such as bars,"especially[around] females".

Gayle's barrister,Bruce McClintock,SC,had urged the jury to accept his client's"moving and true"testimony.

Fairfax had defended the articles on two bases,including the allegations were true. The jury rejected that defence.

It had also pleaded the defence of qualified privilege,which requires a publisher to show defamatory articles were of public interest and it acted reasonably.

The defence can be defeated by malice,meaning the articles were published for an improper purpose.

The jury found malice had been established,knocking out the defence of qualified privilege.

A hearing on damages will be held at a later date.

Ms Russell had told the court she was devastated and cried"uncontrollably"after Gayle exposed himself to her during the 2015 Cricket World Cup in Sydney by moving a towel around his waist.

"I saw the top half of Chris'penis,I apologise,and I thereafter shielded my view,"she said.

Fairfax Media's barrister,Matthew Collins,QC,had told the jury it was"impossible not to be moved ... when Ms Russell gave her evidence"and she had bared her soul in court.

"You have the best seats in the house in this courtroom. Raw,honest and candid emotion[came] flooding out from Ms Russell,"Dr Collins said.

The articles were published by Fairfax in January 2016 in the wake of Gayle's famous"don't blush baby"interview with sports reporter Mel McLaughlin,then at Network Ten.

Asked outside court if he regretted that incident,Gayle said:"You know what,I'll find her[McLaughlin] one day and talk to her."

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