Passengers escape US Airways flight 1549 after Captain Chesley Sullenberger was able to safely land it in the Hudson River.

Passengers escape US Airways flight 1549 after Captain Chesley Sullenberger was able to safely land it in the Hudson River.

She's now being compared to Chesley'Sully'Sullenberger,the US Airways pilot who famously landed his airliner in New York's Hudson River in 2013 after its engines were struck by birds and lost all power.

His calm and skilled response meant all 155 passengers and crew were saved.

'Sully'ended up being played by Tom Hanks in the 2016 movie of the same name.

The conversation I’d want to hear:Tammie Jo Shults and Sully Sullenberger.

— Carol Ross Joynt (@caroljoynt)April 17,2018

Alfred Tumlinson,a passenger from Texas,said he was going to send Ms Shults a Christmas card and gift certificate for getting him to the ground.

"She has nerves of steel. That lady,I applaud her,"he said.

Another passenger,Eric Zilbert,said the plane was"steady as a rock after it happened. I didn't have any fearing that it was out of control."

Diana McBride Self,who described the pilot as"a true American Hero",said Ms Shults walked back to the cabin to speak with passengers after she landed the plane.

Diana McBride Self,who described the pilot as"a true American Hero",said she walked back to the plane to greet passengers after the landing.

Diana McBride Self,who described the pilot as "a true American Hero",said she walked back to the plane to greet passengers after the landing.Credit:Facebook

It's not just the pilot whose courage has been highlighted in the wake of the tragedy.

Philadelphia Fire Commissioner Adam Thiel also praised the passengers who did"some pretty amazing things under some pretty difficult circumstances,"in their attempts to save Ms Riordan and plug the hole in the aircraft as it made its emergency landing.

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