Former Canterbury councillor Michael Hawatt is at the centre of a corruption inquiry.

Former Canterbury councillor Michael Hawatt is at the centre of a corruption inquiry.Credit:Brendan Esposito

So it was that Jim Montague,the general manager of Canterbury Council,invited his counterpart Matthew Stewart from Bankstown and Bankstown’s mayor Khal Asfour to the home of Bechara Khouri on the evening of March 30,2016.

At the home of Khouri - who admits to a retainer of up to $15,000 a month from developer Charlie Demian - Azzi and Hawatt laid out their proposal. Stewart represented the future,but Montague should be treated with the “respect he deserved”.

Canterbury general manager Jim Montague.

Canterbury general manager Jim Montague.

Montague should be retained as a consultant to the new council,they said,on his $350,000-plus package. The new council would also build a pool at Wiley Park:the Jim Montague Aquatic Centre.


And Montague told Stewart how to staff a merged Canterbury-Bankstown:“The amalgamated council would need to get rid of all the senior staff except for Spiro Stavis,” Montague said,according to Stewart.

Stewart was not on board. He rebuffed the attempted offer,and left the meeting after telling his hosts the state government would determine who would run a new council.

And the relationship between Azzi,Hawatt,Montague and Stavis is now being laid bare in a corruption inquiry that would seem to confirm the worst fears of many into the relationship between developers and councils in Sydney:a world of graft,favours,bullying and barbecues.

An alliance forms

To hear the principals tell it,the impulse for Canterbury’s development frenzy was simply the fear of missing out.

“We’re getting left behind,” Azzi lamented in 2013,according to what Marcelo Occhiuzzi,Canterbury’s former planning director,told the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

On Occhiuzzi’s account,during a meeting in October 2013 Azzi lost his temper and theatrically walked to the window.

“Have a look at this,” Azzi said. “Canterbury isn’t developing.”


But the momentum had shifted. Azzi was elected in 2012,and soon formed an alliance with Hawatt - who began his political life in Labor before jumping ship. Together they forged a cross-party political bloc with other Labor and Liberal councillors.

“It became reasonably clear to me that Azzi and Hawatt formed an alliance and had an interest in the development in the Canterbury Council area,” Occhiuzzi told ICAC.

Occhiuzzi soon found himself having to field repeated inquiries from his councillors – but as well as from his boss,Montague – about why things weren’t moving quickly enough.

Hawatt and Azzi had such a controlling influence on council that Montague began referring to them as the “junta”,Occhiuzzi recalled.

By late 2014,Occhiuzzi had had enough. His resignation triggered a hunt for a new director of planning,one who could help ensure Canterbury remained on Sydney’s development wave.

The man proved to be Spiro Stavis - a town planner,who had worked at Strathfield and Botany Bay. How Stavis won the job is being examined by the corruption watchdog.

Judith Carpenter,a consultant engaged by the council,told ICAC she repeatedly insisted Stavis was unqualified for the job,only to be rebuffed by Montague. “We need to include him,” she remembers Montague telling her.

Unusually,when the time came to interview the candidates,Azzi and Hawatt - as well as Canterbury’s mayor,Brian Robson - sat on the panel.

Azzi and Hawatt were rude and abrasive,but not to Stavis,Carpenter said. “It was a very disrespectful process to some of the candidates and it was a complete debacle,” she recalls.

It appears Stavis had another advantage. Photographs of the job interview questions were discovered by ICAC investigators on Stavis’ mobile phone.

According to Carpenter,Karen Jones,a planner from Leichhardt Council,was clearly the best candidate. But her gender counted against her. “She’s a female from Leichhardt,let’s,let’s[get] rid of her,” was how Montague summarised Azzi and Hawatt’s views. “She’s not gonna get the job.”

Montague offered the job to Stavis,but soon after received a letter of complaint from Carpenter. Carpenter followed up with references from Stavis’ most recent employers. Those references have been described as “negative”.

On December 18,2014,Montague wrote to Stavis to rescind the job offer. The move plunged the council into chaos.


Montague’s change-of-heart produced,in his words,a “Mount Vesuvius” response from Azzi and Hawatt. They made frenzied efforts to get Montague to reverse his decision,and threatened to remove him from his job if he didn’t toe the line,Montague claims.

At one point,Azzi and Hawatt allegedly offered Montague a financial settlement to leave the council. Montague rejected the offer,and passed it onto his mayor Robson,as well as ICAC,as a potential corrupt inducement.

Hawatt sought advice from Kent Johns,a Sutherland Shire councillor and current vice-president of the NSW Liberal Party,about how to remove Montague. And on Christmas Eve,the two councillors attempted to call an extraordinary council meeting to force Montague’s ouster,claiming he was exposing ratepayers to financial risk in withdrawing the offer to Stavis.

But something changed early in the new year and Montague dropped his opposition to Stavis’ appointment. “It was a terrible terrible period of my career … and I … I was numbed by it all so I made decisions,” he told ICAC investigators.

By the end of February,Montague,Hawatt and Azzi were repairing their relationship. And Stavis was Canterbury’s director of planning.

Within weeks of taking up the job,Stavis was being barraged by text messages from Hawatt over council issues. In a string of exchanges recovered by investigators,Hawatt inquired about the progress of development applications before the council,and arranged meetings between Stavis and developers.

Featuring prominently among Hawatt’s inquiries were two properties owned by his son-in-law,Talal El Badar,with whom he also had business dealings.

Stavis was also brought into a social fold. The scene included invitations to barbecues at Azzi’s house. “Everyone used to come to Pierre’s,” Khouri told investigators. “His wife’s a brilliant cook so he’d invite people round usually on Fridays,” said Montague. “There was one meeting I recall where they were all there,all the Bankstown boys,[former NSW premier] Morris Iemma,[former NSW Labor secretary] Jamie Clements … and those meetings really were just in more recent times we’re talking about amalgamations,” Montague recalled. It was at Azzi’s house,ICAC heard,that Stavis met developer Demian,who at the time was seeking approval for developments at properties at 548 Canterbury Road and 998 Punchbowl Road.

The empty block of land at 548 Canterbury Road,which developer Charlie Demain sold for nearly $50 million after securing favourable planning outcomes from the former Canterbury Council.

The empty block of land at 548 Canterbury Road,which developer Charlie Demain sold for nearly $50 million after securing favourable planning outcomes from the former Canterbury Council.Credit:Steven Siewert

On the map

Montague was not the only Canterbury figure to make complaints to the corruption watchdog. Robson,the mayor,himself wrote to ICAC on January 29,2015. He warned not only that the two councillors had attempted to induce Montague,but also that the councillors were potentially manipulating planning processes.

“I have reasonable suspicions that planning decisions introduced by Crs Hawatt and Azzi have been introduced,not on sound planning principles,but simply to benefit individual developers,” Robson wrote to ICAC. Robson cited Jimmy Maroun,an associate of Azzi,and another developer whose name ICAC has obscured. “The favourable re-zonings of 15-23 Homer St Earlwood and[blacked out] are of particular concern.”

The Earlwood property is one of a number to have been examined this week by ICAC. Assad Faker,the owner of 15-23 Homer Street,a vacant block on the Cooks River,submitted a planning proposal in 2014,seeking an increase allowable height from 10 to 18 metres. Council staff opposed the idea. In March 2015,the Department of Planning asked for an independent report into the proposal be placed on public exhibition. When that “independent report” was placed on exhibition in June 2016,it was a report prepared by consultants paid by Faker and favourable to the proposal,rather than a critical report paid for by the council itself.

ICAC is also examining planning proposals and developments at Roselands,Lakemba,Punchbowl and along Canterbury Road. At some sites,the former council made owners’ millions. Demian,for instance,sold 548 Canterbury Road for $49.5 million in late 2016 only a couple of years after buying it for $14 million.

David Buchanan,SC,counsel assisting the inquriy,said this week that in relation to 548 Canterbury Road,the evidence is expected to be that Stavis,following meetings at Azzi’s house,felt he “had to help find solutions to Mr Demian’s issues with that development”.

“The evidence will be that at those meetings,Councillor Azzi was almost acting as a mediator between Mr Stavis and Mr Demian,” Buchanan said.

In late 2015 Stavis prepared a favourable planning report which recommended - in breach of council height controls - handing Demian two extra floors on his proposed six-storey apartment complex at 548 Canterbury Road.

There will also be evidence,Buchanan said,that Hawatt was trying to find purchasers of the property for Demian. Neither Hawatt nor Azzi declared an interest when voting on the proposal.

Buchanan has also indicated that Stavis will give evidence at the inquiry and is expected to offer explanations for some of his decisions. It is not known whether Azzi and Hawatt have cooperated with the commission's inquiries.

However,in comments made to the Herald last year,Hawatt denied any wrongdoing.

Azzi has previously claimed ICAC's investigation was a"political stunt"and that the council's planners"never let anyone jump above the law".

For his part,Montague has said he’s proud of what went on. “Developers were around trying to get to invest in Canterbury and I thought it was great and I still think it’s great,” the former general manager told investigators.

His former colleague Occhiuzzi was left with a different impression. Linda Eisler,a former Greens councillor,said she spoke to Occhiuzzi after he left Canterbury:“When he drives around Canterbury and sees some of the developments approved he shudders,” Eisler said.

The inquiry is continuing.

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