Don't be angry about it

Don't be angry about itCredit:AP/ Rebecca Blackwell

"I think there is no doubt viewers are changing the way they view sport,"said Marc C-Scott,a lecturer in Screen Media at Victoria University."Even with this happening,I don’t think sporting organisations can say digital is off the table. They still need the viewership,and they need it to be multiplatform".

Yet the question being asked in media circles is whether it will have lasting implications for the broader industry by affecting future sports rights deals. And the answer is,of course it could,at least at the margin.

"[It] may mean that sporting bodies take on more of the production and distribution of content like we have seen in other markets,"says Pete Corbett,a partner at Deloitte,who focuses on technology,media and telecommunications,"or greater attention is given to the delivered experience in rights contracts."

This is not the first time coverage of a high-profile sporting event in Australia on a streaming platform has encountered problems. During the 2016 Olympics,an app built by Seven (which Telstra made available for free to its own customers) was similarly dismal.


The difference then though,was if you were near a television,you could still watch the event. With Optus's World Cup coverage,the only way to watch most games was online via its streaming service. Or at least that was the idea.

And Optus is really the only entity doing this in a significant way in Australia at the moment. To some extent this reflects our unique media and telco market structure. Unlike other markets,the biggest telco (Telstra) and biggest media company (News Corp) are locked in an unholy alliance,at least for now (hint:it's called Foxtel).


Telstra and Foxtel's strong relationships with the NRL and AFL (which have rights deals in place until 2022 ) mean it is unlikely Optus will get its hands on either of Australia's pre-eminent winter codes for its streaming platform anytime soon.

That reality forced it to look elsewhere when it pushed into media two years ago. It chose soccer,first with the English Premier League,and now with the World Cup. And,up until this week (aside from some similar glitches when its EPL coverage started) the strategy has actually worked.

The carrier has gained significant ground on Telstra over the past couple of years and added 384,000 new mobile customers last year.

CEO Allen Lew admitted this week that #floptus would damage its brand,at least in the short term."We believe the brand is stronger than just one event over three days,we will recover and show Australia we can be a credible multimedia company,"he said on an emergency media call this week.

Optus has had a tough week

Optus has had a tough week

But Lew has also previously declared that he wants Optus to be the home of elite football coverage in Australia (its interest in other niche codes is less clear).

As such,Optus has recently been linked with bids for the rights of various European leagues,including the prestigious Champions League tournament.


It is possible foreign leagues would be dissuaded from awarding their rights in a far flung corner of the planet to Optus based on the World Cup debacle.

It's also possible they would be inclined to go with the highest bidder as they seek to wring more money out of a new and growing market. We will have to wait and see.

But despite this week's events,Optus is unlikely to retreat from its content ambitions,and it seems clear football is a big part of that. So fans of the world game,you better get used to dealing with Optus,perhaps even more.

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