Physical battle:Artem Dzyuba and Ahmed Hegazy contest the ball.

Physical battle:Artem Dzyuba and Ahmed Hegazy contest the ball.Credit:AP

“The reason why we have announced what we did today is that the feedback from all Australians is that they want to have choice,so we've decided to listen to Australians and given them that choice,rather than forcing them to take our product,we have given them the choice to come to our product which we believe in. We believe that when people come to our product they will enjoy,"he said.


"Australian soccer fans are very passionate about their soccer and we have learnt a very important lesson from them,you know,we are giving this another strong effort from us and I'm sure when Australians try the product they will see it is better."

Mr Lew said the company had identified an issue between an"encoder and a packager"as the root cause of its problems.

"At the end of the day we had two different content delivery networks that serve customers across Australia. In one of the content delivery networks we had a critical failure between the encoder and the packager. Basically it's the major part that allows you to delivery smooth streaming to different devices and that significantly affected the experience for a large number of Australians,"he said.

Optus CEO Allen Lew

Optus CEO Allen LewCredit:Dominic Lorrimer

"We have learnt from that issue,"he said,adding a similar issue should not be repeated even when it was opened up as a free service.

"As part of the testing and end-to-end field testing of this product,we have made it more resilient and we are now confident that even when we open it up for free to all Australians we will have the capacity and capability to meet the needs of Australians."

Optus surrendered its exclusive broadcast rights to SBS on Monday for a 48-hour period after customers experienced widespread service interruptions during the tournament's opening weekend.

That hiatus was due to end on Wednesday night with the first match scheduled for kick-off at 10pm (AEST) between Portugal and Morocco.

SBS chief executive Michael Ebeid said the network looked forward to screening the group stage games for the next ten days.

"The FIFA World Cup is the absolute pinnacle of football,a sport are deeply passionate about,"he said.

The announcement and offer of compensation came as the issue sparked a political brawl over consumer rights and funding for SBS.

SBS sub-licenced rights to Optus after it decided it could not afford to bid for the entire tournament as it had in the past.

Mr Lew said the telecommunications sector was still getting to grips with live streaming sport to a large audience but that Optus would bid for the World Cup rights again.

We will go up for the next World Cup as aggressively as we did for this one.

Allen Lew

"I think this is something that is very important to share with everybody because we are entering a new era,a new era of the mobile internet and live sport streaming on the mobile internet is an emerging technology and we are all learning as we go,"he said.

"We are in the long term for premium sports content so,we will just think about it as something that is a learning lesson along the way we would pick up what we've learnt,we understand the passion of Australians,we understand what we need to do as a network and we will go up for the next World Cup as aggressively as we did for this one."

Regulators have told consumers that their jurisdiction to hear complaints depends on the nature of the service affected.

Opposition Communications spokeswoman Michelle Rowland said cuts to the SBS budget were to blame for its inability to bid for the complete World Cup rights.

"[Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull] was warned as Communications Minister that his cuts to the SBS would have consequences,but ignored everyone,"she said.

Ultimately people should get what they pay for and it is reasonable for consumers to expect compensation for a service they didn’t get.

Michelle Rowland

Ms Rowland also called on the government to provide clarity about which agency would hear their complaints.

"Ultimately people should get what they pay for and it is reasonable for consumers to expect compensation for a service they didn’t get,"she said in a statement.


Communications Minister Mitch Fifield accused Labor of hypocrisy claiming it had blocked legislation that would have allowed SBS to generate additional advertising revenue.

His spokesman said angry consumers should contact Optus Sport in the first instance.

"Optus customers who have a complaint about Optus Sport delivered as part of their mobile or home broadband account can make a complaint to the[Telecommunication Industry Ombudsman],if their complaint to Optus is unresolved,"the spokesman said.

"Consumers who purchased the Optus Sport app can contact the[Australian Competition and Consumer Commission] or consumer rights agencies in their state or territory,such as the office of fair trading. All goods

Australian Greens Senator Jordon Steele-John said the incident highlighted the importance of keeping public broadcasters in public hands.

“Optus made a commitment to cover the event and they have not been able to deliver on that commitment. In my mind this is a clear breach of Australian consumer law,"he said.

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