The traditional job interview process is flawed.

The traditional job interview process is flawed.Credit:Alamy

But is personality testing a useful tool to better understanding yourself and others? Or is it just corporate astrology?

It’s certainly becoming more common. Peter Wilson,chairman of the Australian Human Resource Institute,says recruiters are looking for more information about candidates because of flaws with the traditional methods of a CV,interview and reference checking.

“One in five new hires fail,” Wilson says. “That tells you that recruiters haven’t known enough about the person they’ve brought in from outside the organisation[especially when it’s] into a senior role.”

But Wilson says the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator – the oldest and most famous of the personality tests on the market – is not useful for recruitment because it can be easily gamed. He prefers tests such as the OPQ,which he says reveals what’s likely to cause a person stress and how they’d manage it.

Personality testing is more art than science.

Personality testing is more art than science.Credit:Kerrie Leishman

Wilson says the Myers-Briggs test is useful for staff development,especially for someone early in their career. “The idea is to encourage self-awareness and awareness of impact,not to be used for data on a person’s file,” he says.


But in order for a personality test to be useful for personal development,it still needs to be scientifically accurate. And that’s doubtful.

Professor Petrina Coventry,who specialises in organisational ethics at Adelaide University,says commercial personality profiling is an industry driven by profit.


“There are a lot of people who make a lot of money out of this and they’ve got to lot to lose if people burst the bubble of the myth that this stuff is based on science,” Coventry says. “There’s a cottage industry creating these tests and there’s no real regulation of it.”

Coventry says there are now hundreds of tests,with recruitment companies even developing their own in-house tools. She says it’s a waste of time and money at best,and unethical if it’s being used to determine who gets opportunities.

The rise of artificial intelligence is taking personality profiling into new areas. I’ve been hearing buzz about Crystal Knows,which lets you predict someone’s personality type based on their LinkedIn profile. I’ve stopped short of installing the Chrome extension to research this article because it requires sweeping permissions to read and write on my behalf when browsing the web.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator was the first commercial personality profiling test and it's spread throughout 115 countries,including in Australia multinational and local companies,government,universities and schools. It’s used by nearly nine out of 10 Fortune 500 companies globally. The company behind it,CPP,reportedly makes an estimated $20 million a year from selling the test.


There are many Myers-Briggs rip-offs online – if you’ve taken the real thing then you,or your employer,would have paid a fee and you would have received a debrief from a trained facilitator afterwards.

Yet the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator was not devised by anyone with either psychological or statistical training. It was developed in the 1940s in the United States by a mother and daughter with an amateur interest in the personality theories of Swiss psychologist Carl Jung.

They came up with four pairs of binary traits,which combine to make 16 personality types. You’re either E for"extrovert"or I for"introvert",N for"intuition"or S for"sensing",T for"thinking"or F for ‘"feeling",and P for"perceptive"or J for"judging".

You don’t have to look far online to find professional psychologists deriding it as meaningless. Your Myers-Briggs type is meant to be fixed for life,revealing innate personality preferences you’re born with,but in reality people can get quite different results each time they take the test.

Professor David J. Pittenger,currently Dean of the College of Liberal Arts at Marshall University and a veteran researcher of psychometric testing,has written that even when people retake the test just five weeks later,half of them will get a different result.

The author is a Gemini.

The author is a Gemini.Credit:Rohan Cain

Dr Martin Boult,senior director professional services and international training at CPP,disputes this. He says decades of peer-reviewed research has confirmed the validity of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator,though he agrees with Wilson it should be used for development,not recruitment.

I took up CPP's offer for me to take the test. It was an interesting exercise though frustrating as you’re asked to choose between two options that often seem equally good – and I can imagine I would make different choices at different times in my life or even depending on my mood.

I could recognise myself somewhat in the description of my type,though they were all positive motherhood statements,so what’s not to like? I don't believe in astrology,yet being a Gemini always resonated for me too.

Caitlin Fitzsimmons is a Fairfax columnist. Facebook:@caitlinfitzsimmons

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