Already,a backlash is growing against the push for more women to sit around the board table.

Already,a backlash is growing against the push for more women to sit around the board table.Credit:Rob Homer

Or this. The relative number of women CEOs in the ASX200 has moved from four in 2002 to 13 in 2017,and down to 11 in 2018.

But this statistic we should be shaking our heads at:on current trends,gender parity in CEO roles will occur in 2221.

Already,a backlash is growing against the push for more women to sit around the board table - and perhaps it’s too easy to blame business solely for the woeful support of women across society.

Because while we are pointing the finger at corporate Australia,government is escaping attention.

And so,perhaps,are the messages we deliver to our own children.

“What kids see in their childhood they replicate in adulthood,’’ Dr Fitzsimmons says. “It’s got to be individuals,organisations and governments working collaboratively to solve this problem.’’

That might stop Australia’s slide in the global gender gap index - measured using economic,educational,health and political variables. It shows Australia falling from 15th position in 2005 to 35th last year.

And it might start with the amount of pocket money we hand out to our sons and our daughters.

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