Trump asserted that a pipeline project has made Germany"totally controlled"by and"captive to Russia".

Trump asserted that a pipeline project has made Germany "totally controlled" by and "captive to Russia".Credit:AP

Stoltenberg said it had been appropriate and understandable for defence spending to fall after the end of the Cold War,but the alliance had now recognised the need to bring it back up,with member countries adding billions to their defence budgets.

Last year saw the biggest increase in defence spending in a generation,he said.

Trump,interjecting,asked why that was — and Stoltenberg responded it was “because of your leadership and your message”.

“They won’t write that,” Trump said,pointing at the media.

But Trump then dismissed that recent increase in spending as a “very small amount of money” relative to what was owed from the past and what should be the current level.


He singled out Germany,which he said was a rich country that paid far too little for its own defence,and criticised a $US11 billion ($15 billion) deal to bring Russian gas across the Baltic Sea to Germany in a new pipeline knows as Nord Stream 2.

“We're protecting Germany,we're protecting France,we're protecting all of these countries. And then numerous of the countries go out and make a pipeline deal with Russia where they're paying billions of dollars into the coffers of Russia,” Trump said.

“Germany will have almost 70 per cent of their country controlled by Russia with natural gas… Germany is totally controlled by Russia because they are getting from 60 to 70 per cent of their energy from Russia and a new pipeline. And you tell me if that's appropriate because I think it's not,and I think it's a very bad thing for NATO.”

Trump said Germany had become Russia’s “captive” after it got rid of its coal plants and nuclear energy.

German chancellor Angela Merkel said later she was not under Russia's control.

Trump had “very direct language” but “when it comes to the core message we actually all agree,"Stoltenberg later said.

Trump had “very direct language” but “when it comes to the core message we actually all agree," Stoltenberg later said.Credit:AP

"I've experienced myself a part of Germany controlled by the Soviet Union and I'm very happy today that we are united in freedom as the Federal Republic of Germany,"she said."We can determine our own policies and make our own decisions,and that's very good,especially for the people in the former East part of Germany."

She also pointed out that NATO was helping US defence interests,not just in Europe but in Afghanistan,and the only time the NATO mutual defence pact had been formally triggered was after the 9/11 attack on the US.

Stoltenberg said Trump had “very direct language” but “when it comes to the core message we actually all agree… we have to share the burden more fairly”.

He said the pipeline issue was outside the legal framework of NATO to deal with,though he recognised there was a relationship between energy and security.

Latvian President Raimonds Vejonis pointed out that all countries in Europe were using Russian gas.

Trump was due to meet Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron later on Wednesday.

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