An illustration of the proposed facility at Eastern Creek.

An illustration of the proposed facility at Eastern Creek.Credit:The Next Generation (NSW) Pty Ltd

“The Commission finds that it is unable to determine the project’s impacts on human health,which persuades the Commission to adopt a precautionary approach,” the report by Robyn Kruk,Peter Duncan and Tony Pearson said.

The formal refusal of the Eastern Creek incinerator,proposed by Dial-A-Dump Industries’ Next Generation Pty Ltd,follows the recommendation by the Department of Planning and Environment that it not proceed.

The project had beenhugely controversial, gathering more than 950 public objections. The energy-from-waste facility was to have operated 24/7,and provided enough energy to supply up to 100,000 homes.

Residents protest against plans for a giant incinerator west of Sydney.

Residents protest against plans for a giant incinerator west of Sydney.Credit:Isabella Lettini

In its report,the Commission said there was insufficient evidence that the technology to be used to control pollution from the facility was capable of managing its emissions.

A NSW Upper House inquiry hadearlier recommended the refusal of the project.

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