Georgina Dent finds being organised and planning ahead is essential to living on a fluctuating income.

Georgina Dent finds being organised and planning ahead is essential to living on a fluctuating income.

I am self-employed and,like freelancers the world over,it means my income fluctuates. Feast or famine is a familiar dichotomy.

My co-earner (and husband) isn’t freelance but he works in the hospital system and his income varies according to the overtime and hours worked. Depending on the particular day and staffing arrangements,this can change wildly.

It means,for both of us,there is little certainty about how much money we will earn in any given month,as well as when it will be paid.

This is not always simple to reconcile with the fact our expenses remain stubbornly fixed. Making a variable income fit around fixed costs is a dilemma no doubt familiar to the estimated8.5 per cent of Australians who are self-employed and countless more whose take-home pay depends on variables like overtime and commission.

While indulging in the odd pang of envy for those not acquainted with this stressful exercise is perhaps inevitable,it’s not useful.

A credit card can help smooth out income,but only if you're disciplined.

A credit card can help smooth out income,but only if you're disciplined.Credit:Shutterstock

What is more useful,annoyingly,is being organised and disciplined. When there is no way of knowing exactly what will hit your bank account and when,trust me when I say,having a budget and a plan is critical.


Vanessa Stoykov is an author and money educator who says while a complicated spreadsheet isn’t always necessary,knowing what you need to be able to cover in a month is critical.

“You need to know your overheads each month because until you understand what your baseline is,you can’t make a plan,” she says. “Once you know what your costs are,you can then examine how you need to pull the only two levers you have:to either get more money coming in or to cut down on money going out.”

Stoykov says cash flow is infinitely stressful for freelancers. “I’ve run a business for 19 years and I know that whether you’re billing $2000 or $2 million,when people don’t pay on time it’s incredibly stressful,” she says. “It’s why having set terms and being disciplined with reminders is important.”

Setting up a generic accounts email is a simple way for individual freelancers to overcome discomfort chasing their suppliers.

“Creating an'accounts department'even via email,can create some bravery so you can say ‘Our accounts department advises this invoice is overdue,'” Stoykov says. “And send reminders frequently.”

She would never recommend living on credit but says having a credit card with a low interest rate can be useful to manage cash-flow fluctuations – with one caveat. “So long as you are really strict about paying it all off and not letting the balance creep up.”


Stoykov’s biggest tip for budgeting on a variable income is putting money away for super.

“Regardless of how much you earn and how variable your cash flow is,youhave to put 10 per cent aside because otherwise you will leave yourself totally exposed,” she says.

Building super into your rates is not-negotiable. “I know that a lot of people want to keep their rates low to get work but consider that 9.5 per cent is the super guarantee so I recommend adding it into your daily or weekly rate to make sure you can save it,” she says. “You can’t keep your rate the same when the cost of everything else is going up. I’ve had suppliers come to me and put the prices up and I understand.”

Her final tip is that life without a few treats is not worth living.

“If you deny yourself all of the things you like and tell yourself you can’t afford them,that’s miserable,” she says. “Open a treat account and put aside money when you’re paid to cover a couple of things you can’t live without – whether that’s coffee or the movies or whatever. Having some treats locked in does make saying no to other things you can’t afford easier.”

Georgina Dent is a journalist,editor and TV commentator with a keen focus on women's empowerment and gender equality.

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