Melissa Price,the WA MP for one of the world's biggest electorate,is Australia's new environment minister.

Melissa Price,the WA MP for one of the world's biggest electorate,is Australia's new environment minister.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

"What happens to the NEG now,that'll be a matter for Cabinet going forward,"Ms Price said.

"That doesn't mean we're going to turn our back on those Paris commitments.

"They're my orders,we're still committed to that and we've got a whole raft of policies that we implemented some time ago that are actually helping us achieve that target and we're on track to achieve them."

Ms Price said introducing legislation to guarantee Australia met its Paris obligations wasn't Liberal party policy in 2015.

"Of course,it's an incredibly high tightrope,but we can do it,"she said.


"In terms of meeting our targets without legislation,without regulation,we've got a while raft of policies that we already have that are already making a difference.

"Somehow people are making more of it[the NEG] and we don't like people on the other side of the world talking about us reneging on international commitments.

"We've not said that we're going to do that."

The focus of Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Energy Minister Angus Taylor would be on reducing energy prices and she would support a new coal-fired power station,according to Ms Price.

"We know that the technology with respect to coal fired power stations are getting better and better all the time,so I think there's nothing wrong with renewables,renewables need to remain in the mix,but we do need a mixture of technologies,"she said.

"It's not right that our party is anti-renewables,that's a ridiculous statement,but we need to have a good balance of energy mix and in Western Australia we have Collie and the coal industry there and we need to support them."

Ms Price said there was some merit in the argument that there had been too much subsidisation of renewable energy.

"In terms of the large renewable subsidy,that's phasing out now anyway,"she said.

On Friday,European Union officials prevaracated on a $15 billion trade deal with Australia unless the Morrison government keeps its pledge to cut pollution under the Paris accord.

Trade Minister Simon Birmingham moved to reassure the international community that Australia would still meet its obligations under the climate change agreement.

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