Doubts over his eligibility:Peter Dutton.

Doubts over his eligibility:Peter Dutton.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

PM Scott Morrison points out the bleeding obvious ("'I will obviously make the decisions':Morrison brushes aside Turnbull's High Court campaign against Dutton",,September 13).

The Australian public are sick of the ongoing parliamentary shenanigans.

The vitriolic vibe conjured up by Tony Abbott has fuelled dumping Westminster's robust but civil protocol.

The PM's proclamation of"getting on with the game"requires that all the parliamentary rules are obeyed and the referee's call is respected.

It's about time the extreme ideologues packed their swags and sailed off into a superannuated sunset so civil order and decent manners can be restored into our Parliament's practice. -Cleveland Rose,Dee Why

Morrison would be foolish to refer Peter Dutton to the High Court at this stage. Morrison has much to fear from Dutton's ineptitude. Keeping the threat of High Court referral hanging over Dutton's head will help protect Morrison's own back. -Mark Porter,New Lambton

A Dutton a day keeps the voter away. -Arthur Cooper,Alstonville

At least Malcolm Turnbull is not a hypocrite and didn't promise"no backstabbing"before leaving the Lodge ("Turnbull plotting against Dutton",September 13). -Mukul Desai,Hunters Hill

No surprise to see Turnbull showing his true colours but gut wrenching to see so many of our political leaders today lacking the utmost integrity. -Phil Johnson,Dee Why


For goodness sake Malcolm,stop worrying about Peter Dutton's eligibility to sit in Parliament. At the first opportunity,not only he,but all his Liberal cohort will be tossed out. -William Franken,Rose Bay

John Hewson says the foreign media has approached him with the questions:"What did Malcolm do wrong? Why did he have to be replaced?"("Morrison undermined by Dutton",September 13).

This question was asked by Opposition Leader Bill Shorten but there is no answer. My answer is this was necessary because Dutton has the"vaulting ambition"of Macbeth. As Morrison cannot,I hope Dutton's electorate will get rid of this politician who is unsuitable to serve. -Mainak Gupta,Croydon Park

I nominate John Hewson for prime minister - the only one talking sense. -Vicki Zvargulis,Corrimal

Bill Shorten asks"Why did they sack Malcolm Turnbull as PM?"

Probably the same reason Labor sacked Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard. -Peter Langer,Manly

Despite the strong Christian thread that runs through the leadership of the Morrison government,it seems the Old Testament's call for"an eye for an eye"prevails. -John Bailey,Canterbury

Can the government stoop any lower ("Call to 'lift the tone' of politics",September 13)? It's time to reboot.

Leave the gutter and act with integrity following the Ministerial Code of Conduct. The people,your employers,deserve and expect better. -Cecile Hunt,Paddington

I am fed up with the constant bickering,allegations and innuendos in Parliament. I would like those involved to have an island holiday in Nauru. They should stay there until they settle their differences. -Bea Hodgson,Gerringong

Note to Morrison:I care about the constitution and I vote. -Keith Russell,Mayfield West

Singing the praises of young anthem protester

Some of our current and ex-politicians want to use their bullying tactics outside Parliament ("'Kick up the backside':schoolgirl slammed over anthem protest", September 12).

However,they are not picking on someone their own size;a 9-year-old girl they have targeted because she refuses to stand at school whenAdvance Australia Fair is played in assembly because she thinks the lyrics marginalise Indigenous people.

Just as singing the national anthem at the cinema before each movie began was ditched years ago,perhaps it's time to do the same at our schools. Do we actually need a national anthem today? -Con Vaitsas,Ashbury

Go girl. Just glad we didn't end up with the sheep thief. -Tom Erickson,Chatswood

I haven't sung the hypocritical national anthem for years and,from now on,like Harper Nielsen,I won't stand.

Australia is not fair,doesn't share,isn't young,nor free,nature's gifts are being destroyed (for example,the Great Barrier Reef,wildlife habits) and we are renowned for racism and cruelty.

Harper's critics are the nastiest bunch of un-Australians. -Vacy Vlazna,Collaroy

Harper is right.Advance Australia Fair is a shocker;the tune is uninspiring,the country is not young,we are not all immigrants and girt by sea is laughable. -Anne Cooper,Stanmore

Politically aware high school students were refusing to stand up forGod save the Queen in the late 1960s in South Australian rural picture theatres,Senator Hanson .-Sue Dyer,Downer (ACT)

I admire the young student who refuses to stand for the national anthem. I refuse to sing it because it so hypocritical. -Nola Huggett,Coogee

Conscientious outrage about national anthems is nonsense and has nothing to do with free speech.

National anthems are expressions of pride in one's country and respect for its people. Our schools are multi-national,so the issue is easily resolved. Recognise,respect and honour this diversity by using a different anthem at each assembly. Celebrate the egalitarian nature of our schools. -Lyndsay McAuliffe,Epping

We Are Australian is a great song and would make a good national anthem,much better than the current dirge with its archaic lyrics.

We could appease the traditionalists by adding a second verse containing the word"girt". -Gerd Hollander,Bilgola Plateau

Smart move

Having lived in the area for 50 years,I did enjoy reading Brian Pearn's send up of the Shire ("Another way to build the Ramsay Centre vision",September 13). He forgot to mention the necessity of having an up-to-date passport and visa to cross Tom Uglys Bridge. -Josephine Piper,Miranda

Brian Pearn's vision for the Shire University is inspired and would be a welcome addition to the intellectual fabric of the area. Paul Gallen is nearing the end of his NRL career and would be an excellent choice as the foundation vice-chancellor. -Max Redmayne,Russell Lea

Alan Jones was found to have defamed the Wagners.

Alan Jones was found to have defamed the Wagners.Credit:AAP

Silence is gold

Poor Alan Jones stating he"is restrained"in what he can say after his court case ("'Profound personal hurt and harm'",September 13). I'll believe it when I don't hear it. -Judy Finch,Cedar Party

More signs of spring

I woke this morning to find a baby brush-tail possum in the mouth of my terrier (Letters,September 13). I screamed,the possum escaped,the terrier is recovering. Is this a sign of anything? -Virginia Rundle,Rose Bay West

Sarah Benmayor,perhaps ring-tailed possums don't like oranges. -Stephen Manns,Woollahra

Sky-high cost of road to airport

While airlines,taxi operators and the public at large complain bitterly about excessive charges for access to Sydney Airport,the state government will spend $2.6 billion on a new freeway to the airport and $170 million in compensation to use some of its land for that freeway ("Taxpayers to foot $2.6b motorway bill",September 13).

What is the airport's contribution to this largesse? -Dennis O'Brien,Longueville

The NSW government can find $2.6 billion to fund a road to the airport,adding financial value to WestConnex,but rail users continue to be slugged with a sizeable premium to catch a train there. So much for encouraging the use of public transport in Sydney. -Doug Walker,Baulkham Hills

Are we compensating the airport for building better access to it? -Todd Hillsley,Homebush

Did I get this right. We,the taxpayers,are giving Sydney Airport millions so that we,the taxpayers,can construct a motorway to service the airport? Wonder how much they will give me to allow them to seal my road? -Mitch McTavish,Cootamundra

Many hopeless cases

Gabrielle Upton"hopeless"? I thought she was there as an expression of the government's contempt for the environment. -Warren Straker,Leichhardt

Powering through

Thank you for the best news of the day ("Powerhouse fate not yet sealed",September 13).

My family has enjoyed some inspiring visits to the Powerhouse Museum with our 15 grandchildren. The Powerhouse makes a spectacular venue for special corporate dinners. Utilise more.

Think of other great cities of the world. They each have significant and meaningful museums. I am proud of our Powerhouse:the heritage building alone warrants keeping. -Judith Halnan,Seaforth

Tune in,switch off

As someone who has gone to our children's,and now our grandchildren's,speech nights and school and ballet concerts for many,many years,I can assure John Mizon that most of those phone-focused parents are not fixated but escaping from the mind-numbing boredom of such events,apart from those few golden moments when their little darlings make their dazzling appearance (Letters,September 13).

In pre-digital times,my husband resorted to hiding a mini-radio in his shirt pocket,linked discretely to earphones. -Anne Ring,Coogee

My beef about mobile phones is it's now virtually compulsory to own one of the damn things. So many online forms nowadays make mandatory demands to supply a mobile number with no concession to us trogs who don't see mobile phones as a way of life. Grrr. -David Thomson,Port Macquarie

Faith in the system

Gabi Duigu is right,there should be religious instruction in schools but about the belief systems of world religions (Letters,September 13). Instruction in any one religion is indoctrination and has no place in education where the main aim is to equip individuals to think for themselves. -Barry Spooner,Minnamurra

Yes,religious communities should be"free to operate in accordance with their defining beliefs"when they are carrying out purely religious functions,but when they carry out social functions,such as education and aged care,highly subsidised by the state,they should be bound by the employment laws of the state with no exemptions. -John Challis,Elizabeth Bay

Drawing on stereotypes

Your correspondents say it would be racism to depict Serena Williams as being other than black (Letters,September 13). That means the racism in the cartoon is evident in the depiction of Naomi Osaka.

The"only victim"in this cartoon is portrayed as a white blonde woman,not a player of Japanese and Haitian background.

So we have a baddie with exaggerated features that are reminiscent of antiquated stereotypical cartoons of African-Americans and a goodie who looks northern European. And you wonder why people think it is racist. -Isobel Page,Hornsby Heights

Pillars don't stack up

It appears that the four pillars of our banking system are made from low-grade marble ("CBA admits it ignored heart attack warning for profit",September 13). -Norm Neill,Darlinghurst

Women in Parliament

By refusing to substantiate her allegations of bullying,intimidation,harassment and a lack of integrity on the part of unnamed parliamentary colleagues,departing Liberal MP,Julia Banks,has surely succeeded in smearing every federal politician by leaving open the suspicion that they might be guilty of such behaviour ("Julia Banks rejects calls to name and shame her bullies,calls for quotas",,September 13).

Where I come from,the rule has always been to"put-up or shut-up".

As to her nonsensical claim that"only gender quotas will work in politics,not targets because you cannot tie political office to salaries and incentives as you can in business",Ms Banks seems conveniently ready to ignore the fact that political candidates are selected by party preselection committees,which are subject to defined rules and processes,just as businesses are. -John Richardson,Wallagoot

​Given all the weeping,wailing and gnashing of teeth over the lack of female representation in Parliament why not invoke a simple solution and require each electorate to return a male and a female representative? -Peter Skinner,Beecroft

Making a bad call

While taking any job to supplement my freelance work in 2007,I found myself at one such insurance call centre (Letters,September 13).

To say it felt like a scene from that excellent filmThe Boiler Room was an understatement.

A bell would go off whenever someone made a sale,there was a league table on our monitors detailing who was leading the sales charge,and daily incentives to push the'consultants'to sell more.

I lasted less than a week at this place,and removed my headphones,walked out and took a shower the minute I walked through the door when I got home. -Ross Mabbutt,Stanmore

Premier advice

Surely the editorial today offering gratuitous advice to Gladys Berejiklian would irritate at least half the voters of NSW ("Premier must show she can play politics",September 13).

Exactly what's wrong with throwing out this mob and electing a Labor government? Could they be worse? -Jane Norman,Kotara South

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