Chief Justice John Roberts,right,administers the Constitutional Oath to Judge Brett Kavanaugh in the Justices'Conference Room of the Supreme Court Building.

Chief Justice John Roberts,right,administers the Constitutional Oath to Judge Brett Kavanaugh in the Justices' Conference Room of the Supreme Court Building.Credit:AP


Kavanaugh fought back hard,denying the accusations in angry and tearful testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee that was viewed live on television by around 20 million people.

Trump stood by Kavanaugh,a federal appeals court judge with a history of advancing Republican causes,and this week mocked Ford's account of what she says was a drunken attack on her by Kavanaugh when they were teenagers.

'Very exciting':Trump tweets

Trump,seeking a legacy as the president who put a strongly conservative stamp on the court,praised the Senate for its vote.

"I applaud and congratulate the US Senate for confirming our GREAT NOMINEE,Judge Brett Kavanaugh,to the United States Supreme Court,"Trump wrote on Twitter."Later today,I will sign his Commission of Appointment,and he will be officially sworn in. Very exciting!"he wrote.

Hundreds of protesters against Kavanaugh had gathered on Saturday on the grounds of the Capitol and at the Supreme Court. They chanted,"Vote them out! Vote them out!"and carried signs including,"I am a survivor,not a troublemaker!"

A townhouse near the Washington residence of Republican Senator Susan Collins,whose backing for Kavanaugh helped get him over the line on Saturday,flew the flag of her home state Maine upside down in protest.

Demonstrators opposed to Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh are detained by US Capitol police.

Demonstrators opposed to Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh are detained by US Capitol police.Credit:Bloomberg

The confirmation allows Trump to hit the campaign trail ahead of the congressional elections saying that he has kept his 2016 promise to mould a more conservative American judiciary.

Democrats said Kavanaugh's partisan defence of himself,in which he said he was a victim of a"political hit,"was enough itself to disqualify him from the court.

Christine Blasey Ford accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they were high school students.

Christine Blasey Ford accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they were high school students.Credit:AP

Repeatedly during the Senate debate,Republicans accused Democrats of staging a"smear"campaign against Kavanaugh to prevent a conservative becoming a Supreme Court justice.

The accusations against Kavanaugh energised the #MeToo social media movement that emerged after high-profile accusations of sexual assault and harassment by men in politics,the media and the entertainment industry.

Kavanaugh is expected to be sworn in quickly and will join four liberal justices and four other conservatives as the court,which is expected soon to hear controversial disputes involving abortion,immigration,gay rights and voting rights.

The dispute over Kavanaugh has added fuel to campaigning for the midterm elections in November when Democrats will try to take control of Congress from the Republicans.

Several polls show that Republican enthusiasm about voting,which had lagged behind,jumped after the Kavanaugh hearing last week.

But Democrats hope women angered at the Kavanaugh accusations will turn out in large numbers to vote out Republicans.

During the Senate vote,senators were showered with cries of"We will not forget,"and"Survivors vote"from protesters in the Senate gallery.


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