Dr Fiona Wild,BHP Billiton's vice president of climate change and sustainability.

Dr Fiona Wild,BHP Billiton's vice president of climate change and sustainability.Credit:Jesse Marlow

“The report is clear – changes in behaviour and lifestyle,technology development and deployment,finance,international co-operation and policy are all needed to keep 1.5 degrees within reach,” she said.

Under all current plausible scenarios,Dr Wild said,fossil fuels would continue to be a significant part of the energy mix for decades.


“As such,there needs to be an acceleration of effort to drive energy efficiency,develop and deploy low-emissions technology and adapt to the impacts of climate change,” she said.


Dr Wild’s comments come as some Liberal MPs call for stronger policies to assure voters that Australia can meet the Paris agreement to cut carbon emissions.

Liberal MP Trent Zimmerman said the Liberal Party’s own research showed climate change and the removal of Malcolm Turnbull as prime minister were the two biggest concerns for voters in Mr Turnbull’s former seat of Wentworth in Sydney.

As the count continues from the weekend’s by-election,the government is facing a savage swing and is on track to lose to independent candidate Kerryn Phelps.

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