WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.Credit:AP

The Australian-born founder of the organisation has had asylum from the Ecuadorian government since 2012,when he sought to avoid extradition to the US after breaching bail terms on unrelated sexual assault charges in Sweden.

Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno has accused Assange of"repeatedly"violating the terms of his asylum in the embassy.


A senior Ecuadorian official said on Friday that no decision has been made to expel Assange from the country's London embassy despite tweets from WikiLeaks.

The official spoke on the condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorised to discuss the matter.

A small group of protesters and supporters of WikiLeaks'founder have gathered outside the embassy.

In a speech to the Ecuadorian Broadcasting Association on Tuesday,Moreno accused the whistleblowing organisation of intercepting phone calls and private conversations and also complained about"photos of my bedroom,what I eat,and how my wife and daughters and friends dance."


"Mr Assange has violated the agreement we reached with him and his legal counsel too many times,"Moreno said."It is not that he cannot speak and express himself freely,but he cannot lie,nor much less hack private accounts or phones."

While Moreno did not explicitly blame Assange for the hacked calls and provided no evidence,his remarks reflected ongoing tension between Assange and Ecuadoran officials.

The Ecuadorian government,however,has said it believes the WikiLeaks organisation shared the photos that depict a lavish lifestyle and date back several years,to when Moreno and his family lived in Geneva,The Guardian reports.

WikiLeaks,in a statement,called Moreno's charges"completely bogus',saying it reported on accusations of corruption against the president only after Ecuador's legislature investigated the issue.

"If President Moreno wants to illegally terminate a refugee publisher's asylum to cover up an offshore corruption scandal,history will not be kind,"WikiLeaks said in a statement.

Ecuadorean President Lenin Moreno has looked for ways to remove Julian Assange from the London embassy.

Ecuadorean President Lenin Moreno has looked for ways to remove Julian Assange from the London embassy.Credit:AP

Assange,47,took refuge in the embassy in London 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden for questioning about rape allegations. Although the Swedish investigation was dropped last year,Assange still faces charges in Britain for jumping bail.

Assange,an Australian national,chose to remain in the embassy out of fear that the United States would immediately seek his arrest and extradition over the leaking of classified documents to WikiLeaks by then-US Army soldier Chelsea Manning.

Assange toldThe Telegraph in 2013 that he lives in a small office room converted into living quarters,equipped with a bed,telephone,sun lamp,computer,shower,treadmill and a small kitchenette.

The Ecuadorian authorities last year,for the second time,cut off Assange's access to the internet because of concerns that he was damaging the country's ties to Britain and other European nations,purportedly by criticising Spain's handling of its separatist movement.

It also required Assange to pay his medical bills and clean up after his pet cat.


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