Warringah independent candidate Zali Steggall is out to defeat Tony Abbott at the May 18 election.

Warringah independent candidate Zali Steggall is out to defeat Tony Abbott at the May 18 election.Credit:Dominic Lorrimer

Zali Steggall’s face has just driven past on a truck. The real Steggall,champion Olympic skier,family law barrister,mother of five (two biological children,three step) and wife is sitting at a cafe around the corner from her office on a rackety stretch of Pittwater Road,Brookvale.

She is drinking a skim cappuccino and talking about Tony Abbott,the incumbent candidate she hopes to knock off in the battle for Warringah,although she hates that word,“battle”.

“He’s always played so much on his masculine persona,” she says of her opponent.

“So aggressive and so fight-based,and I really take exception to that …[it’s] all about war and battlelines.

“This is an opportunity to exercise democratic rights,to have differences of opinion. It’s not fighting for your life on a battlefield.”

Steggall and I have been talking for about half an hour when the truck bearing her campaign ad motors past,with her enlarged face on it.

“It’s still quite confronting having so many pictures of myself around,” she laughs.


The two faces – the hyper-large,truck face,and the normal-size one sitting in front of me – look the same,barring differences in scale. Both are bright,smiling and photogenic. Both are surrounded by the distinctive aqua colour of Steggall’s campaign.

But if you listen to Steggall’s critics,whose voices seem to get louder as her prospects for winning the seat look stronger,this two-facery moves beyond the literal,to the metaphorical and the political.

Zali Steggall meets Motorcycle Mechanic owner Shaun Litterick on the campaign trail.

Zali Steggall meets Motorcycle Mechanic owner Shaun Litterick on the campaign trail.Credit:James Alcock

Vote for Steggall,says Abbott,and you’re really voting for Opposition Leader Bill Shorten. The vociferous attack ads from the conservative lobby group Advance Australia run the same line. The Liberals accuse of her being secretly funded by the left-wing activist group GetUp and Liberal councillor Christine Forster,who is Abbott’s sister,toldTheSun-Herald she is “an agent of Labor”.

Steggall is unequivocal about her formal links to GetUp:there are none.

“I don’t know how many more times I can say:‘No,not a cent donated by GetUp’. GetUp themselves say,‘We don’t fund candidates’. No one has shown any proof.”

I ask if she has met with GetUp,if she has any links to them,has had any informal conversations,or if any cooperation has occurred between her camp and GetUp. She says no to all these questions.


“I have no control over what they’re doing or not doing.”

Still,GetUp is helping Steggall’s campaign. They are working to have Abbott ousted from the seat,and when talking to voters,their volunteers suggest that constituents who care about issues including climate change and environmental causes,should consider voting for Steggall or her fellow independent candidate Susan Moylan-Coombs.

Zali said herself that she never voted Liberal at a federal election,and she is being exposed bit by bit for trying to portray herself as a sort of Liberal but not really Liberal.

Concietta Fierravanti-Wells

A poll commissioned by GetUp in February showed Steggall leading Abbott 54 per cent to 46 per cent. At the recent state election,local Liberal state electorates within Warringah’s boundaries suffered swings of up to 13 per cent. Abbott is sitting on an 11 point margin,but internal Liberal polling recently revealed by the Sun Herald reportedly showed a 12 point swing away from him.

Is Steggall grateful for the support of GetUp?

“Grateful is not the right word,” she says.

“It’s part of the democratic process,and I think anything that helps voters be aware of what are the issues is a really important part of democracy.”


Steggall says she has been thinking “for years” about entering politics,but became serious around Christmas last year.

She was disillusioned with the Liberal coup against Malcolm Turnbull,which she saw as the culmination of many years of political destruction from her local member. She was dismayed that the Liberal Party overlooked its long-standing loyal deputy leader,Julie Bishop,as Turnbull’s replacement.

“Like many other women,I felt a bit despairing of,you know,when are women going to get a proper go without it being prejudged? It really annoyed me. We’ve had the ‘merit’ criterion put to us so many times.”

Then,around Christmas,she saw the Vote Tony Out Instagram page (the first person to post on it was surfer Layne Beachley),and from that she bought herself a “Vote Tony Out” T-shirt,one for her parents,Jack and Susan,and one for her husband Tim,a marketing consultant.

Steggall says this social media presence “highlighted to me how widespread the dissatisfaction was”.

Steggall says she always thought the best person to run against Abbott would be a woman,“because I think his style frazzles other men and it becomes confrontational and combative”. Around this time a collection of community groups and activist Warringah citizens were looking for a strong candidate to put up against the sitting member.


Steggall read the names reported in the papers – Jane Caro and Tim Flannery were two of the high profile possibilities mentioned (Sun-Herald columnist Peter FitzSimons has also said he was privately approached). She thought Caro and Flannery were too left-wing to knock off Abbott in the blue-ribbon beaches electorate.


Steggall says she was not approached by anyone to run,but decided to volunteer herself. She met with local community groups including Vote Tony Out,the North Shore Environmental Stewards,Voices of Warringah (a group based on the Voices of Indi group which helped elect Victorian independent Cathy McGowan) and Think Twice Warringah.

She canvassed her family and friends about the idea of running and announced her candidacy on January 27.

“Everyone responded really positively in terms of,‘Wow,if anyone can do it,you can’.”

If that sounds like hubris,it is hard to argue.

Credible political candidates can be hard to find,but Steggall is one,at least prima facie – even her critics acknowledge this.


The 45-year-old is a champion Olympic skier,who retired in 2002 to study law part time,while raising her two small boys with her then-husband,former Olympic rower David Cameron. She went on to become a successful barrister specialising in family law.

Her roots in Warringah are deep. She was born and spent her early childhood in Manly,her parents Susan and Jack are both local residents - her father was a Manly-based solicitor who played rugby for Manly and Norths and her mother was a pharmacist who went on to become a writer.

Zali Steggall supporters at Brookvale Oval.

Zali Steggall supporters at Brookvale Oval.Credit:James Alcock

Susan Steggall wrote a memoir,Alpine Beach. A Family Adventure,about her family’s 11-year-long “mountain-change” to the ski resort of Morzine,France,when Steggall and her older brother Zeke (a former Olympic snowboarder) were little.

On returning to Australia when she was 15,Steggall attended Queenwood School for Girls in Mosman (she now sits on its board). She has an OAM and an Australian Sports Medal. She met her second husband through (Abbott’s beloved) Manly Sea Eagles,where he was the head of marketing at the time. Irving has three girls of his own,now teens and young adults. The youngest lives with them.

“When we met 12 years ago,we had between us,a one year old and a three year old,a five year old a seven year old and an eight year old,” she laughs.

"It was aBrady Bunch situation.”

Steggall's back-story is so lovely you couldn't write it. But it remains to be seen whether it will enable her to become an effective politician,particularly on the cross-bench of what is likely to be a Labor government with a strong majority.

Tony Abbott's media adviser did not respond to requests for comment. Says one senior NSW Liberal:“Personally,I think she is an impressive candidate on paper … but the only way you succeed in Parliament is having done the detailed policy work.”

Former prime minister Tony Abbott has held Warringah for more than 25 years.

Former prime minister Tony Abbott has held Warringah for more than 25 years.Credit:Jessica Hromas

“She has been an Olympic skier and then a barrister. I don’t know that she has done the policy work. I don’t know how she would go arguing for the people of Warringah on why franking credit changes shouldn’t happen,for example.”

Steggall has some wealthy supporters. Her campaign chair is businessman and WWF Australia president Rob Purves. Pacific Equity Partners founding partner Rickard Gardell has hosted a fundraiser for her and his wife Anna is a volunteer on Steggall’s campaign. Steggall says she has received more than 1000 donations averaging about $250 each. She also has 1000 volunteers.

Steggall has tried to position herself as economically conservative,opposing Labor’s proposed changes to negative gearing,capital gains tax exemptions and franking credits,all of which would squarely hit the investors and retirees of her well-heeled electorate.

But her Liberal critics are sceptical of her small-L credentials.

They point to her voting record – she admits to never having voted for Abbott. When I quiz Steggall on who she has voted for,she says “pretty much Liberal and independents”.

She says she has voted Liberal at a state level (“I think Gladys has done a good job for NSW”),and for independents in Warringah – notably Peter MacDonald in 2001 (her parents campaigned for him) and James Mathieson at the 2016 election.

She voted Democrat at her first election in 1992 and “there might have been a Green in there somewhere”. She says she has never voted Labor.

“Zali said herself that she never voted Liberal at a federal election,and she is being exposed bit by bit for trying to portray herself as a sort of Liberal but not really Liberal,” says conservative Liberal senator Concietta Fierravanti-Wells,who is working on Abbott’s campaign.

“Her platform lacks detail but puts climate change ahead of people’s cost of living pressures. If it got to a minority[government] situation,she would not support the Liberals – just look at the track record of independents like Phelps and Oakeshott.”

Steggall says she will support Labor’s climate change policies if Shorten wins government,but says “I would encourage them to go further”.

“It’s always one thing for the major parties to say one thing before the election and do another afterwards”.

As for the costs of transitioning to a low-carbon economy,Steggall says,“the reality is the cost of inaction is far greater than the cost of action”.

“We know renewables do not need subsidies,so I don’t understand why a Coalition government which is about small government and competitive forces is promoting a policy that is about subsidies to an industry.

“The benefit to our economy of transitioning is so much more than the cost of not.”

Steggall may be a political cleanskin but last week her untarnished image took a knock,with two stories of a personal nature.

The first related to a video by the conservative lobby group,Advance Australia,in which a “satirical superhero” character created by the group was filmed rubbing himself against Steggall’s poster in a sexualised way. Steggall said it was inappropriate and sexist.

The second story was closer to home. Steggall’s ex-husband,Cameron,gave negative quotes to the Daily Telegraph,following weeks of making cracks at her over Twitter,including calling her an “idiot”.

Zali Steggall has used independent MP for Wentworth Kerryn Phelps as a sounding board.

Zali Steggall has used independent MP for Wentworth Kerryn Phelps as a sounding board.Credit:Edwina Pickles

As for the Advance Australia video,she says she expected that sort of thing.

“I’ve experienced that sexism before,of women being sexualised and objectified,” she says.

“I’ve had that in sport. If you go back to my days as an athlete,the only way female athletes could get sponsorship and support,you had to be photogenic and do media and that sort of thing.”

As we wrap up – Steggall is due to do a walkaround of local businesses – we are interrupted by a middle-aged man in a red shirt,who says:“Good luck Zali!”

“I don’t like politicians at all because they all speak lies,” he says,shaking her hand and smiling.

She beams back.

“I’m trying to be a politician!” she says. “I’m not one yet.”

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