John Howard - campaigning in Penrith - says Lindsay is a"microcosm"of Australia.

John Howard - campaigning in Penrith - says Lindsay is a "microcosm" of Australia.Credit:AAP

So far so true. And yet for all the correctness of Howard's observations,the electoral politics of Lindsay have tended to play out as something darker. Another way of looking at the recent history of Lindsay might be as the nation's political id:a mixture of prejudice,sex and bastardry.

The triumph of Jackie Kelly in 1996,claiming the seat for the Coalition for the first time,was widely interpreted as one of the defining victories of the Howard era. The scale of Kelly's victory was taken to signal a new post-labour material assertiveness in the Australian suburbs. But when the Howard era collapsed in Lindsay,it did so amid the most reactionary of dirty trick campaigns:Kelly's husband and his mates were caught distributing racist flyers of anti-Muslim purpose.

At the May 18 poll,Lindsay will be one of the few Labor-held seats the Coalition will be considered a strong chance to reclaim. The electorate has tended to hold an outsized political significance,with heavy campaigning by national leaders. But with its 1.1 per cent margin and a departing Labor candidate,that is particularly so in this campaign.

Not that the electorate seems particularly enthused."Last election I just marked my name – I didn’t vote for anyone,"said Asantha Kulathilaka,a health worker who was glad to shake Howard's hand on his street walk,but who is unlikely to vote Liberal. Kulathilaka is of a mind to cast an empty ballot again.

"Labor disappoint me,"says Kulathilaka. She's not convinced Labor will make a material improvement to the local Nepean Hospital,a critical concern for many in the area.

"Penrith was a very Labor-oriented suburb,"says Lyn Vigne at Penrith Starbucks."But the way it is now ... if I had my way I wouldn't vote for any of them. All they're doing is backbiting and bitching at each other,instead of running the country and trying to look after everybody."


Lindsay's recent history offers some explanation for the disillusionment.

After Kelly,Labor's David Bradbury held the seat through the Rudd/Gillard years. The tenuousness of that hold was illustrated by Labor's decision to have Bradbury campaign on a navy vessel prior to the 2010 election – as if the slim tax lawyer might single-handedly deter asylum seekers from Sydney's west.

Bradbury lost in 2013 to Fiona Scott. But Scott's one term was damaged,as she subsequently admitted,by Tony Abbott's description of her as a candidate with"sex appeal". The surprise victor in 2016,Labor's Emma Husar,soon grabbed national headlines.She powerfully told Parliament her personal story of family violence. Her father would get drunk and hit her mother,she said. And she too,subsequently,had been affected by family violence.

Tragically for Husar,her notoriety only increased. In August the news website Buzzfeed published a salacious account of her supposed sexual and management indiscretions

An internal Labor inquiry cleared her of themost substantial of the allegations. But not before Husar said she would stand down as Labor's candidate in 2019,andlaunched defamation proceedings against Buzzfeed.

Who cares about hospitals and local roads with so much scandal and chicanery about? As it turns out,Lindsay does.

As if to emphasise the point,the Liberal candidate for Lindsay,Melissa McIntosh,is running a determinedly grounded campaign. Her flyers and posters tout promises to improve local roads and congestion. And this is what she'll talk about if given half a chance.

The Liberal candidate for Lindsay,Melissa McIntosh,on High Street in Penrith.

The Liberal candidate for Lindsay,Melissa McIntosh,on High Street in Penrith.Credit:Wolter Peeters

"I did that commute for over 10 years,"says McIntosh of the long and crowded trip from Penrith and surrounds to jobs in the inner city."And I see it on the train stations every morning,and people are telling me they don't want to be doing that commute. Fifteen hours plus a week."


McIntosh'story – personal and professional – is a testament to the opportunities that do exist in the area. After growing up in Blaxland East,just near Penrith,she attended Western Sydney University before landing a media job with her local member – Kelly.

Prior to a stint in the prime minister's office,McIntosh met a British canoe slalom athlete,Stuart McIntosh,while he was training for the Sydney Olympics at Penrith's Whitewater stadium.

She married him. When the couple's first child came,they returned to the northern hemisphere for Stuart's canoe slalom career."We travelled in a campervan throughout Europe. Before our first child was one,we went to 20 countries,"says McIntosh,now a mother of three.

"That gave me good insight into how the world operates,"she says. McIntosh has had a varied career since returning. She has worked at Travelex,the University of Sydney's United States Studies Centre,for a brief period as chief of staff to assistant treasurer and Liberal powerbroker Alex Hawke,and for the past two and a half years at community housing provider Wentworth Community Housing.

She sees no contradiction between Wentworth's work on homelessness and unaffordable rental housing and the election's housing debate. Labor's negative gearing policies,she says,will not make housing more affordable but will reduce the stock of available rental properties.

The opposite is argued by McIntosh's opponent,Labor's Diane Beamer. Beamer describes Labor's proposal to curb tax breaks on newly-purchased rental properties as"fantastic".

"I would like my son to be able to afford a home,"says Beamer,a former state member for Mulgoa who argues the election needs to be about more than neighbourhood roads.

Labor candidate for Lindsay,Diane Beamer,speaks to voters in Penrith.

Labor candidate for Lindsay,Diane Beamer,speaks to voters in Penrith.Credit:Nick Moir

"At a federal level I think it's a bit duplicitous to say that we're in here to look at local roads,"says Beamer.

"There are bigger issues that we have to look at. And I don't know ... maybe[have] a stint on council to look at local roads,"says Beamer,who,along with 15 years in state parliament,was the mayor of Penrith in the early 90s.

Beamer's emergence as a candidate is a surprise – probably to her as well.

Approached by local branches after Husar said she would not run,Beamer says she canvassed old Labor colleagues – Michael Lee,Tanya Gadiel,Tony Stewart and Geoff Corrigan – before deciding to return to politics. A mother and step-mum to six,Beamer took one of her kids along to Sussex Street to talk to NSW Labor secretary Kaila Murnain about running.

"I wanted to know that I did have their support. Which I obviously did. And in the end I also spoke to Bill Shorten,who said he'd be very happy to have me on his team,"she says.

For Beamer,improving roads is important. But she also nominates failures and frustrations with the NDIS and a loss of penalty rates as crucial local concerns."Rents are going up. Wages are not moving,"she says.

And then there is the government's failure to implement an energy policy – one of Beamer's main sources of frustration while she was out of politics."I want an election of a Shorten government. And if you're going to yell at the television,you might as well say'what can I do about it?'"

One feature of the area's politics is its changeability. In the late 1990s and early 2000s,for instance,Beamer attracted more than 67 per cent of the two-party vote in Mulgoa;the same period in which Kelly was winning 55 per cent of the vote for the Liberals in the intersecting seat of Lindsay.

Asked to explain the volatility,McIntosh argues that the area is changing:"With all the investment that's coming into western Sydney,there are so many opportunities here now. It's an inspirational area."Both McIntosh and Beamer stress the importance of making the most of a future Badgerys Creek airport.

For her part,Husar nominates the divisions within the electorate's demographics. There are wealthier suburbs around Mulgoa,as well as areas extremely sensitive to any change in welfare measures.


And then there are large numbers of families on working or lower-middle class incomes,but who are not employed within large-scale industry. The incomes might skew Labor,but the industrial organisation does not.

"We've got very few factories,"says Husar."A little bit of industry in St Marys and Castlereagh."

"A lot of the businesses are genuinely small business,tradies,"says Husar."We've got a huge number of tradies that live out here,who travel up and down the M4 every day for work."It's an extremely hard-working electorate,says Husar. It has to be,for all that time commuting.

And what does Husar think? Would she have held the seat for Labor,if the opportunity had been there?

"Absolutely,"she says."Even after the shitstorm I went through."

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