Clive Palmer,photographed in Perth earlier this month,has been described by WA Premier Mark McGowan as a"greedy hypocrite".

Clive Palmer,photographed in Perth earlier this month,has been described by WA Premier Mark McGowan as a "greedy hypocrite".Credit:AAP

Mr McGowan said the stoush was threatening jobs and investment and hinted at legislation to resolve the deadlock.

"The state government is continuing to explore our legal options regarding Clive Palmer's threat to the more than 3000 West Australians who work on the Sino Iron project,"he said.

"Mr Palmer does not employ anyone on that project.

"He milks more than a million dollars a day cash from the Chinese investors and then attacks Chinese investment. He is a greedy hypocrite."

According to Citic,Mr Palmer has been refusing to release land to the project,over which he holds tenement leases.

Mr Palmer has launched a legal bid to force CITIC to pay $500 million for environmental rehabilitation at the mine site,the latest in a string of legal battles over the project 100 kilometres south-west of Karratha.


A long-running royalties dispute continues in the Supreme Court,with CITIC in 2018 appealing a court order to pay Mr Palmer's Mineralogy $US150 million.

Mr McGowan said Mr Palmer's United Australia political campaign,in which the mining magnate criticises China,was"a disgraceful attack on our biggest trading partner".

"Mr Palmer takes and doesn't give,"the Premier said.

"He doesn't pay his workers,he rips off Aboriginal people,he's threatening Western Australian jobs,he's moved his company to Singapore.

"It's disappointing and dangerous that the Liberal Party has entered into a preference deal with Mr Palmer."

Labor's WA federal election campaign spokeswoman Madeleine King said Mr Palmer's United Australia Party was"quite frankly anti-Western Australian".


"The thing is,Western Australia's economy is based on and depends upon mining and resources and in fact all the Australian economy does,"she said.

"It's an extraordinary export capacity that we have.

"What we know in Western Australia,particularly in Perth,a lot of these corporate leaders are based here in these companies and they know Clive Palmer's United Australia Party is spreading misinformation about their industry and they must be absolutely appalled."

She said Mr Palmer was spreading"rancid misinformation"about WA's mining and resources industry.

Mr Palmer's campaign was contacted for comment.

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