About 9700 students across NSW will be re-sitting NAPLAN tests on Tuesday.

About 9700 students across NSW will be re-sitting NAPLAN tests on Tuesday.Credit:Hank Van Stuivenberg

The option to resit NAPLAN tests was given to schools and students last week after the original online tests in mid-May were disrupted. Hundreds of schools across the country reported connection dropouts,lags,difficulties logging in and problems inputting answers.

A national review into the administration of the online tests,including the problems with the testing platform,has been announced.

"There will be an independent review into the administration of NAPLAN with a focus on the delivery of the platform and any factors that contributed to the experience of some schools,"federal Education Minister Dan Tehan said on Monday.


"Any change to NAPLAN or its online provision would be a decision of all education ministers."

NSW Education Minister Sarah Mitchell said she has"serious reservations"about the Australian Curriculum,Assessment and Reporting Authority's current plans to rollout NAPLAN online across all Australian schools next year.

“Since these glitches were not unique to NSW and were experienced across the country,I will be discussing with my state and federal colleagues at[the] Education Council next month what the best approach is moving forward.”


Ms Mitchell,principals'bodies,teachers and parents all saiddisruptions continued across the four NAPLAN tests despite ACARA's repeated claims that there were only problems on the first day.

The decision to undertake a review of the tests was made by the Australian Education Senior Officials Committee,which is comprised of education officials who provide policy advice to ministers.


Head of the NSW Secondary Principals'Council Chris Presland said schools were getting ready for a disruptive day on Tuesday.

"NAPLAN's logistically quite difficult for schools,it involves re-timetabling classes and staff and now they're having to do everything again,"Mr Presland said."It's nearly 10,000 kids resitting,that's quite a lot that are going to be disrupted. It doesn't surprise me that that many were affected but it surprises me that that many are doing it again."

He said he was"pleased"that the tests would be taken online because it would provide an opportunity to test the system again.

About 50 per cent of Australian students sat the tests online this year while the rest continued to do them on paper,and major questions have been raised about the validity and comparability of this year's results,which will now need to factor in the impact of technical challenges and children resitting the tests,as well as the differences between the paper and online tests.

"What was going to be a bimodal test is now a trimodal test,it shows that the results cannot be authenticated and they certainly cannot be posted on the MySchools website,"president of the NSW Teachers'Federation Maurie Mulheron said.

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