Faith,8,died in a Cairns unit after she was beaten by her mother.

Faith,8,died in a Cairns unit after she was beaten by her mother.

When Faith died in her Cairns home after being bashed by her mother,the pathologist listed all signs of her recent injury.

The list was longer than an A4 page.

The coroner found there had been a lack of communication and information sharing between Faith’s school,child protection services,Centrelink,and ACT for Kids – an organisation devoted to preventing child abuse by working with families referred by the department.

The coroner called for an overhaul of the child safety network,so another child did not become “invisible” to the community,or “slip through the cracks” of the child protection system’’.

A year later,Queensland’s auditor-general warned the child safety department was failing to strike the right balance between security and availability of data.

The auditor-general handed the government six recommendations to ensure sensitive information could be readily available in emergencies,while retaining strict security around the data.

The Palaszczuk Government has implemented just one of those recommendations in four years,a follow-up report released on Thursday has found.


"Child safety information held across various parts of the family support and child protection system is still almost completely unintegrated,"the auditor-general's follow-up report read.

"At present,the considerable information available across organisations within the family support and child protection system is still not used as effectively as it could be to provide insights and improve outcomes for children in Queensland."

Child safety director-general Michael Hogan wrote to the auditor-general last week to announce the government had approved the next stage for replacing the problematic information system being used by department.

He was confident the other five recommendations would be met once the system was replaced,but no timeframe or target was given.

Child safety minister Di Farmer said the Queensland Government would invest $51.1 million over the next four years to progressively replace the Integrated Client Management System (ICMS).

“We currently use ICMS for all client and case management data,and it’s becoming outdated,” she said.

Ms Farmer said the new program would"streamline processes,making it quicker and easier for our staff to use and allowing them to spend more time engaging with clients".

Tony Cook,the education department's director-general,hinted in a letter to the auditor-general that changes to schools'policies would be made,to better protect vulnerable children such as eight-year-old Faith.


In May 2009,Faith and her cousin had approached a teacher aide in the playground to tell her they were hit at home.

A prep student,Faith showed the teacher aide a mark on her stomach that looked like a large bruise,another injury that looked like a cigarette burn,and bruises on her back.

The teacher aide reported the matter to the guidance officer,who officially notified authorities.

In August 17,2010,Faith left and enrolled in a second school.

The same teacher aide had already moved to that school and saw Faith on the playground.

She noticed Faith was wearing a long-sleeved top. She sat down next to Faith and asked how she was.

Faith simply pulled up her sleeve to reveal welts – red and raised,cuts that had started to heal – all over her arms.

Her mother had hit her,Faith told the teacher aide.

In the office of the guidance officer,Faith showed a 10-centimetre-wide bruise on her upper back and revealed her mother had hit her with a wire coat hanger.

A second official report was made to authorities and Faith was taken off her mother for nine days.

“No doubt scared of being punished if she told of the abuse again,she sat next to the teacher aide and,whilst looking at her,rolled up her sleeves – displaying her injuries in a silent plea for help,’’ Coroner Jane Bentley wrote in the findings from an inquest into the eight-year-old’s death.

“The Department and QPS immediately commenced investigations but the action taken was insufficient to protect her.

"Faith was removed from her mother but then returned only nine days later,after an investigation,that was later found to be inadequate,determined she was not in need of protection."

Her mother then pulled her from school,a punishment for revealing the abuse to the teacher aide.

“From that time on,Faith was removed from the only real protective factor in her life - her school,"the coroner wrote.

"The staff at Faith’s school did all they could to help Faith but they were hampered in their efforts by not having access to the information which was available to other government departments[the Department and Centrelink] and which they could have used to better monitor Faith’s whereabouts and ensure her attendance at school and,thereby,her safety.’’

- with Danielle Cronin

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