NAB chairman Ken Henry leaves the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking,Superannuation and Financial Services Industry.

NAB chairman Ken Henry leaves the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking,Superannuation and Financial Services Industry.Credit:Wayne Taylor

Yet in the days following the federal election we saw a rise in the share market of $33 billion,led by huge increases in the value of Australian banks. What should we make of this? Does this point to a belief that the Morrison government will be softer on banks than Labor would have been?

While short-term changes in share markets have a lot of causes,there is no doubt that investors in large banks felt buoyed by the re-election of the Coalition government.

But there’s more to a community than investors. And memories aren’t that short:the fallout from the royal commission is still working its way through the economy. Placing fairness at the centre of the corporate sector is critical.


The new government will need to work to address the broader community’s concerns that big corporates need to change direction. And they’ll also need address other more egregious practices in the finance sector that continue to fall under the radar.

So what should the re-elected Morrison government be doing to ensure Australian corporates treat their customers and the community fairly?

First,implementing the recommendations from the banking royal commission. Commissioner Kenneth Hayne made 72 recommendations and many of these require legislative change. Priorities include banning unsolicited selling of insurance and superannuation,requiring mortgage brokers to act in our best interests,applying unfair contract term prohibitions to insurance,and ensuring car yards and retailers that offer loans are appropriately licensed. These reforms all respond to long-standing problems and should not be difficult for the government to legislate early in this term of Parliament.

A key finding of the royal commission final report was the way in which commissions and incentive arrangements operate to put profit ahead of customer interests. Reforms to abolish and limit commissions and to create a marketplace where financial products are bought not sold,are also imperative.


How the royal commission recommendations are implemented will be integral to their success. Commissioner Hayne lamented the complex state of our existing laws,driven by industry"lobbying for prescription,detail and tailoring". The government must oppose the vested interests that seek to water reforms down.

Second,we need to put an end for good to the harmful practices of payday lenders and other fringe lenders. Payday loans,sold as a fix for people who need quick access to cash,inevitably worsen a borrower’s financial situation,particularly when high repayments mean people have to get another loan. We have seen so many cases where such loans further impoverish people.

In 2017,the government promised to pass legislation to ensure that payday loans and consumer leases (which are mostly used by people to obtain furniture or appliances) are more affordable. The key reform,limiting repayments to 10 per cent of a borrower’s net income,was initially supported by the Coalition government but not implemented during the last term of Parliament. When announcing the reform,former Minister Kelly O’Dwyer said this reform was vital so that"vulnerable consumers are afforded appropriate levels of consumer protection".

This needs to be put back on the agenda,because the financial future of 1 million borrowers is at stake.

The related reform is to tackle the harm caused by the government’s own bill paying system,Centrepay. This system is meant to make it easy for people to pay essential bills by making payments directly from Centrelink payments,but it’s been hijacked by high-cost credit providers. Companies such as Radio Rentals,which has been found to have breached responsible lending laws,shouldn’t receive people’s social security income ahead of their ability to pay for essentials such as food.

Action must also be taken on other sorts of rogue lenders,that is,unregulated lenders. The huge growth of so-called “buy now,pay later” finance,which is not required to abide by the same rules as other credit providers,is a debt trap waiting to happen.

Third,we need to tackle what consumer advocates call “debt vultures”. These are the businesses that promise easier ways of paying debts to those that are struggling to get by. Yet these businesses are not effectively regulated,meaning that the advice they provide is mired by self-interest and not the interest of their customers. A good example involves people who think consolidating all their debts is a good way to deal with their financial difficulty. The person thinks they are going to be making just one payment. Yet the debt vulture upsells them to a debt agreement,a form of personal insolvency,which reaps the company hundreds if not thousands of dollars in fees.

The Morrison government has flagged its intention to support the community through promoting innovation and competition in the finance sector. This is positive but we must remember that not all innovation is good. Payday lenders and debt vultures are constantly innovating to find new ways to rip people off. For innovation to benefit us,consumer protection must be the bedrock.

Yes,we’ve had a royal commission into the finance sector. But,following the 2019 federal election,the task has only just started. The government now needs to implement reforms focused on fairness that ensure the entire community is treated safely by the finance sector.

Gerard Brody is chief executive of the Consumer Law Action Centre.

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