Even Shaun Micallef was bewildered when the ABC played the wrong episode of Mad as Hell.

Even Shaun Micallef was bewildered when the ABC played the wrong episode of Mad as Hell.

Micallef himself was quick to point out the error.

Micallef and his wife tried to ring the ABC switchboard to fix the issue,or at least get the right episode put up on iView,he tweeted.

However,he ran into some difficulties:

"It's a good episode too. Nice and topical. Maybe they'll play it next week,"he joked.

Viewers were similarly unimpressed,taking to Twitter to voice their complaints.


But some saw the funny side of the error:

Finally,near the end of the half-hour long episode,an announcement scrolled across the bottom of the screen saying:"Apologies,due to a technical error last week's episode was played".

Micallef himself confirmed he had been told by the ABC the wrong episode was played.

The correct episode is available on iView,he added.

An ABC spokesman apologised to viewers and said in a statement the fault was"due to a technical error".

"This week’s episode has been put up on ABC iview for fans to watch as soon as they like. The episode will also be shown on the ABC’s main channel at 9pm Thursday night as well as at its regular repeat timeslot on Friday night."

ABC broadcaster Jon Faine,who is not afraid to lash his own network on occasion,also told viewers the stuff-up was the result of human error.

"Basically someone hit the wrong button,"he told listeners."They've got a computer,they've got a screen ... someone wasn't paying enough attention and they didn't check."

The saga sent #madashelltv rocketing to number one on Australia's top trends on Twitter,overtaking #MasterChefAustralia.

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