The University of Melbourne is renegotiating the agreement governing its Confucius Institute.

The University of Melbourne is renegotiating the agreement governing its Confucius Institute.Credit:Simon Schluter

While universities across the world have embraced Confucius Institutes,critics are concerned about censorship of sensitive political issues and the facilities operating as platforms for propaganda and inappropriate influence.

The University of Melbourne contract was first signed in August 2009 and must be renewed every five years. It was rolled over by mutual agreement in 2014.

"The university is working with Hanban to renegotiate its Confucius Institute agreement as the existing agreement will expire soon,"a spokesman said this week.

"While these negotiations are taking place,we are not in a position to provide any details."

In 2014,former vice-chancellor Glyn Davis wrote in a letter to the director of Hanban that the university was"very happy to confirm with you that the University of Melbourne will continue the collaboration on the development of the Confucius Institute and extend the agreement"signed in 2009.

The Age andThe Sydney Morning Herald recently revealed thatfour Australian universities signed agreements stating they must comply with Beijing's decision-making authority over teaching at the facilities.

The government has subsequentlyramped up scrutiny of the institutes following the revelations,warning the universities about standards and autonomy. The Attorney-General's Department is examining the arrangements for their compliance with the newly introduce foreign influence transparency scheme.


The institutes are joint ventures between the host university,a partner university in China,and Hanban,which supplies funding,staff and resources. Confucius Institutes provide teaching on Chinese culture and language and some hold public events on political,social and economic issues.


The agreements signed by the University of Queensland,Griffith University,La Trobe University and Charles Darwin University state in identical clauses they"must accept the assessment of the[Confucius Institute] Headquarters on the teaching quality"at their centres.

UQ has revealed it is negotiating changes to its agreement — first signed in 2009 and renewed in 2014 — after it expired earlier this year. The new version will outline explicit commitments to university autonomy over all activities"in connection with the Confucius Institute and all courses and projects it offers".

A May meeting of the UQ senate,the university's governing body,discussed the need to make the agreement public,be comfortable with the composition of the institute's board,ensure compliance with Australian laws and introduce a mechanism to revoke the agreement.

Victoria University,whose agreement is coming up for renewal in late 2020,declined to comment on whether it would be renegotiating.

Representatives of La Trobe University,Griffith University and Charles Darwin,whose agreements will need to be renewed in 2021,indicated that contracts were always reviewed,but it was too early to make any commitments on renewal or renegotiation of the Confucius Institute arrangements.

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