Education Minister Dan Tehan.

Education Minister Dan Tehan.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

"The approach we're taking is a very different approach,"Mr Tehan said when asked if Australia was looking at similarly severe action.

He said Australia's action would be more collaborative,delivering the conciliatory message as he announced a new foreign interference taskforce to tackle concerns about undue influence,cybersecurity and sensitive research collaborations.

Mr Tehan said guidelines to be developed by the taskforce would mean the"sector can benchmark themselves"in co-operation with security and intelligence agencies. The government hopes to have the guidelines in place by November.


The priorities of the taskforce will include ensuring strong cybersecurity against"unauthorised access,manipulation,disruption or damage";protecting research and intellectual property from abuse;and ensuring foreign collaboration is transparent and does not harm Australia's national interests.

The taskforce work is in addition to a Department of Defence effort to strengthen rules around the use of sensitive and"dual-use"technology through the Defence Trade Controls Act.

A review of the legislation by Vivienne Thom,a former inspector-general of intelligence and security,found there was “inadequate control"powers and gaps permitting the transfer of technology that “if transferred to foreign entities with interests contrary to Australia’s,could prejudice Australia’s security,defence and international relations”.


A spokeswoman for Defence said the government was committed to addressing the gaps and would"strengthen"controls to prevent tech transfers against the national interest.

She said legislative changes,expected by next year,would not"unnecessarily restrict trade,research and international collaboration".

"The government is committed to strengthening its ability to protect emerging and sensitive technology that has significant security and defence implications but acknowledges the need for this to be done in consultation with industry and the university and research sector,"the spokeswoman said.

Dawn Freshwater,chair of the Group of Eight elite research universities and vice-chancellor of the University of Western Australia,welcomed Mr Tehan's comments and said the free-flowing exchange of knowledge and research was critical for the sector.

"We would be very concerned if we took an approach that really closed the opportunities to do that,"she said.

"The Trump-style approach is,of course,having made some very clear regulations around research and engagement and collaboration,and I think we have to be much more considered and we would welcome that."

Universities Australia chair Deborah Terry said the organisation would"work together through a new taskforce to add to the current protections,while preserving the openness and collaboration that is crucial to the success of Australia’s world-class university system".

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