Attorney-General Christian Porter is open to amending his union-busting bill.

Attorney-General Christian Porter is open to amending his union-busting bill.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

Centre Alliance senator Rex Patrick has demanded the removal of a provision giving Mr Porter the ability to apply for deregistration or disqualification.

Commissioner Dyson Heydon's trade union royal commission report recommended only that the Registered Organisation Commission - which has a statutory obligation of neutrality - hold this power.

Mr Patrick said he was concerned that politicians -"particularly Liberal politicians"- may not exercise the power objectively.


"The other test is that you don't harm the unions that are doing good work for members,"Senator Patrick told theSydney Morning Herald andThe Age.

Mr Porter said in a statement that he was open to making further amendments to the bill,which the government tried unsuccessfully to pass in 2017,in the spirit of"genuine negotiation"with the crossbench.

He said he would only make changes that enabled the bill to"deliver an overall outcome which will achieve the essential necessary result of ensuring registered organisations and officials of registered organisations are required to obey the laws of the land".


ABS data published on Thursday showed the number of work days lost to industrial disputes rose 6 per cent in the June quarter to 17,600. More than half of those were in the construction industry,and 44 per cent in Victoria.

The government has seized on the controversy surrounding CFMMEU Victorian construction branch secretary John Setka - who isrefusing to resign after being convicted of domestic violence offences,- as ammunition for its renewed push to pass the bill.

Senator Patrick will meet with the minister to discuss potential amendments during the next Parliamentary sitting period,which begins on Monday.

The legislation is subject to a Senate inquiry that is due to report in late October.

The government could bring on the bill for debate before this time,but only if it has the numbers in the Senate.

It needs the support of either Centre Alliance,which controls two Senate votes,or Tasmanian senator Jacqui Lambie.


Senator Lambie has signalled that she may support the bill if Mr Setka - who isfighting Labor leader Anthony Albanese's push to expel him from the ALP - remains in his role as branch secretary.

In a submission to the Senate inquiry,the Attorney General's department said the Ensuring Integrity Bill complied with Australia's international law obligations,despiteconcerns raised by the Coalition-dominated parliamentary human rights committee.

The department said while the bill did engage Australia's responsibility under an international convention to protect workers'right to freedom of association,it"imposes no restrictions on law-abiding organisations existing,forming or running their affairs in order to represent members".

"Any limitations are permissible as they pursue a legitimate objective,are prescribed by law,and are reasonable,necessary and proportionate,"it said.

But union law firm Maurice Blackburn and the Human Rights Law Centre disagreed.

The HRLC said in its submission that the amended bill gave too much power to the minister - and other"interested parties"- to apply to the Federal Court for unions to be deregistered and officials disqualified,arguing the law was open to"abuse"by those with an anti-union agenda.

Maurice Blackburn said this"seems to give significant power to those who might seek to diminish the position of unions,in the context of bargaining dynamics".

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