Treasury Wine Estates,the owner of Penfolds,is seeing red over a controversial research report on the wine business by a Hong Kong firm.

Treasury Wine Estates,the owner of Penfolds,is seeing red over a controversial research report on the wine business by a Hong Kong firm.Credit:Photo:Justin McManus

The well wishes poured in,with many describing her as a direct and compassionate leader,a teacher,someone generous with their knowledge and time."Too bad there wasn’t more like her at Treasury,"quipped one of her former US colleagues.

It was just 13 days after the full-year results announcement in Melbourne for the owner of the Australian wine favourites Penfolds,Wolf Blass and popular US brand Berringer. Snyder had been noticeably absent during a conference call with analysts during its August 15 results day.

Only six months earlier,Snyder - who declined to comment for this story - had been front and centre,presenting the group’s results for the Americas to the crowd of market watchers and investors.


It’s unclear why Treasury did not announce that Snyder had left and its admired head of Australia,New Zealand and Europe,Angus McPherson,was moving to Treasury’s alternative headquarters in San Francisco to take up the job of President Americas,Global Sales.

The Age and The Sydney MorningHerald can also reveal that long-time chief marketing officer Michelle Terry has left in recent weeks,while former chief financial officer turned executive vice-president of operations for the Americas Gunther Burghardt also no longer works for the company.

Despite this backdrop,Treasury’s full-year results day was a good news event for the company.


It presented a set of full-year accounts that smacked on the head those who had earlier in the year accused the company of fudging its books and making out it had sold more goods than it actually had in order to reach the ambitious financial milestones it set for itself.

Treasury’s supporters cheered. Company boss Michael'Mike'Clarke roared. On an earnings call with analysts,he directly faced his critics,by harking back to 2014 when he was brought in to salvage a very near dead winemaker after it had fudged its sales figures.

"I can assure you that when you've come into an organisation and you've cleaned up somebody else's mess,you don't want to create that kind of mess again. It is the last thing that this team wants to do,"said Clarke,a man described by even his fans as"ruthless"and"exacting".

But many in the market didn’t know the company was in the midst of yet another upheaval of its executive ranks - often cited as a red flag by fund managers and analysts when reviewing the stock.

Since April 2018,Treasury has lost a chief operating officer,head of Asia,head of global travel,two chief marketing officers,head of global strategy and,following Snyder’s departures,two presidents of the Americas and another senior executive. The winemaker has also cycled through four chief financial officers since 2016.

News of another bout of departures could spark concerns about the company that has only recently seen off its detractors rather nicely.

Increased scepticism

Spun out of Foster’s in 2011,Treasury has grown into the world’s third-largest producer of wine. While it is known for its high-profile brands in Australia,Treasury has enjoyed recent success in the tough US and Chinese markets and is increasingly reliant on those markets to drive earnings. Over the past eight years,the company has produced sky high returns for shareholders - from $3.65 to $19.08 - during Clarke's reign.

Yet over the past 18 months,long-time company watchers and short sellers have raised concerns about the company’s ever-growing earnings and its uncanny ability to always meet its forecasts.

The concerns are many and varied. The most serious claim is that Treasury is engaging in channel stuffing - the practice of pushing a larger amount of stock through a retailer than can actually be sold - to plump up its sales figures.

Other allegations include that it has used aggressive accounting policies to mask weaknesses in its results and is forcing wholesalers and distributors to buy bundles of its products to offload less popular brands.


Clarke was invited to be interviewed for this story but declined. The company also declined to answer a series of questions relating to the allegations made it in recent months.

The increased scepticism about Treasury has caused significant tension in investment markets where some investors see as it"the real deal",a prized stock that has delivered early shareholders huge gains. Highly-regarded Bank of America Merrill Lynch analyst David Errington has a self-described"bullish thesis"on the group describing it as"an inexpensive company with high visibility growth".

Others have branded the stock"sell"or"avoid"or as having"high uncertainty",including New York’s Bayberry Capital,Hong Kong’s GMT Research and analysts at Goldman Sachs,Citigroup and Morningstar. Price targets for Treasury are very wide,with Morningstar’s Adam Fleck setting a $12.80 target while Errington has a $24 target. Treasury’s shares sat at $18.98 late on Friday.

Investors have also been rattled by eye-watering share sales by Clarke himself - more than $12 million worth in 12 months,including a $6.8 million tranche just ahead of a short report decrying the stock in May. (Clarke is one of the highest-paid chiefs on the ASX with a total pay packet for 2019 of $11.3 million.)

Star stock picker blast

The shock departures of senior executives over the past 18 months have also concerned investors.

The biggest loss for the company in recent times was that of Robert Foye in January. The popular American was dismissed for breaches of internal policies in the same year his 19-year-old son died after experimenting with nitrous oxide bulbs (known as whippits or nangs) at a college party in the US.

A month later star salesman Peter Dixon left for competitor Accolade wines,sparking an exodus of Treasury’s sales team in China. (Treasury is suing Dixon in the Supreme Court of Victoria for breaches of contract,though he is yet to be served with court documents by Treasury.)

Only months after these departures,Treasury made the global stage for all the wrong reasons.

Up and coming stock picker Angela Aldrich has accused Treasury of highly risky,aggressive sales practices.

Up and coming stock picker Angela Aldrich has accused Treasury of highly risky,aggressive sales practices.Credit:Bloomberg

Rising star stock picker,Angela "Tiger Grandcub" Aldrich from Bayberry Capital caused a stir in May when she named Treasury as her top short pick at the famed Sohn Investment Conference in New York.

Speaking before the hundreds of attendees,Aldrich laid out her short selling thesis by taking an axe to Treasury’s sales figures in the US and China,alleging the company was participating in highly risky,aggressive sales practices.

"The US … is not growing,"Aldrich said,calling out one of Treasury's best selling brands in the US,19 Crimes as part of her case."19 Crimes has really been the company’s saviour lately. ... They are stuffing it into every distribution channel they can."

She also alleged that in China there had been"extreme channel stuffing of Wolf Blass and Rawson’s Retreat". She quoted one distributor in China as telling her:"there should be hundreds of thousands of cases of oversupply throughout China".

Aldrich also claimed that the only way Treasury had been able to sell its less popular brands in China - such as Rawson’s Retreat - was bundling them with the desirable Penfolds brand. When this happens,customers end up with warehouses full of wines they can’t sell. Bundling,or"selling a portfolio"as it is referred to in Treasury’s circles,is normal business practice - the problem is when you start to burn through distributors and wholesalers.

Aldrich’s report sunk Treasury like a stone. Its shares fell 6.7 per cent on the day that news of her presentation reached Australian shores.

The allegations of channel stuffing has raised the hackles of Clarke and his team - and rightly so,it’s a very serious accusation. Yet,Treasury made no announcement to the ASX refuting the report despite it regularly issuing statements to the exchange following adverse research.

Sometimes channel stuffing occurs at a company level,though it can be the result of over-zealous frontline sales staff seeking to meet their end of period bonuses.

Stuffing inventory down a channel can lead to it becoming stuck in the supply chain. Once it stays there too long it needs to be destroyed or sold cheaply. In other circumstances,the company can write the stock off as"returned sales".

Channel stuffing

In 2013,Treasury,then under the stewardship of chief executive David Dearie,was accused of channel stuffing in its US business.

The group was forced to pour $35 million of undrinkable wine down the drain after the company pushed through excess orders after misreading the market.

The incident tarnished Treasury’s brand. Dearie left amind the scandal. It also sparked a share price tumble and class action that was settled in 2017 for $49 million. So wounded was Treasury by the scandal,the company nearly fell into the clutches of private equity group KKR which made an opportunistic bid for the group that was rejected.

Channel stuffing is not a new allegation in the wine game. In 2003,winemaker Southcorp - which was bought by Treasury’s former parent Foster’s - faced allegations inBusiness Review Weekly that it had foisted unwanted stock on retailers.

Soon after Bayberry's bombshell report,other research houses began voicing their concerns. On August 7,GMT Research released a note accusing Treasury of manipulating its profits and of channel stuffing citing Treasury’s February half-year accounts.

"Telltale signs include rising receivables and inventories which suggest possible channel stuffing and deferral of overheads,"GMT analyst Nigel Stevenson said in a note to clients. Stevenson was particularly concerned that Treasury’s receivables had jumped 40 per cent or $235 million during the half to $828 million."Channel stuffing typically shows up in the form of rising receivables;sales are recognised in an earlier period but paid for later."

Receivables are amounts owed to business and held on its balance sheet as assets.

Treasury hit back telling its investors via an ASX announcement that the report was"false and misleading"adding that its result on August 15 would"discredit claims made in this report".

Treasury also said it had referred GMT to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission,the corporate watchdog.

But the concerns raised by GMT were short-lived. A day after Treasury released its full-year results,Stevenson put out a new note saying the company's 2019 accounts"allay concerns… somewhat". It still branded the stock"avoid".

That was because Treasury’s preferred operating profit measure EBITS (earnings before interest,tax and the agricultural accounting standard SGARA) increased by 25 per cent,while receivables fell back to normal levels and inventories continued to increase but at a much slower rate.

Speaking from GMT’s offices in Hong Kong’s Central district,Stevenson says that while channel stuffing could not be ruled out,there was limited evidence of it in the full-year results.

"Inventories can be shifted around from year to year,they can go up and go down,however,it does provide cover for moving profits between periods,"he tells theHerald andAge.

"We’re not saying they’re doing it,but it’s a possibility. It’s something to bear in mind."

Stevenson adds his analysis of Treasury using acquisition accounting to plump up its profits was proven correct in the results. Treasury declined to comment.

Treasury Wine chief executive Mike Clarke has called some of the allegations'rubbish'.

Treasury Wine chief executive Mike Clarke has called some of the allegations 'rubbish'.Credit:David Mariuz

Market sources says ASIC’s investigation has shown no suspicious trading around the time of the research. Stevenson says GMT has long and short clients and all of its clients receive its research at the same time.

Matt Young,Treasury’s fourth chief financial officer in four years,used a conference call with analysts to shoot down the allegations.

"We maintain shipments in line with depletions and for us shipments have been in line with or below depletions in each of the past five years. So we have been net destocking the system over that time."

Young was supported by Clarke on the call who showed his famously direct personal style when challenged by analysts,calling some questions about the allegations"rubbish".

We will not do things in the short term just to prop up a number or prop up a metric. We are very disciplined in how we run this company.

Treasury chief executive Mike Clarke

"We will not do things in the short term just to prop up a number or prop up a metric. We are very disciplined in how we run this company. We are principled in how we run the company. And what we say,we mean;and what we say gets audited and it's audit reviewed,"Clarke said on the call.

Allegations of impropriety aside,some market participants are sceptical about Treasury’s forecasts for full-year 2020 where it expects to lift EBITS by a whopping 20 per cent.

China factor

Craig Woolford,the head of research for Citi Australia/NZ and the bank's lead consumer analyst,has a sell on Treasury over concerns the market hasn’t factored in some key economic challenges,including that wine imports into China across the board have suffered double digit declines and stubbornly low consumption rates.

"Per capita consumption of wine in China looks quite low,the bigger driver for foreign companies is the trading up behaviour by China consumers to better quality wines,and the appeal of the global brands,"he tells theAge andHerald.

"Both Australian and French brands have done better as a result of that,and right now we’re seeing the trading up behaviour but we’re not seeing the total consumption growth. It takes a generation for those consumption habits to change."

Woolford is also circumspect about Treasury’s ability to keep growing its market share in America - something it needs to continue doing to hit its ambitious earnings guidance.

"America has been their biggest market by revenue and one that has prospects for improving margins as they move to this new distribution model that they have in place.

"Very much to be proven by them,and all the evidence at this stage is wait and see."

Morningstar’s Fleck,who covers Treasury and is also the head of research for Australia at the broker,is concerned that Treasury’s successful shift towards a greater mix of masstige products and less reliance on low-end commercial products (or two-buck chuck as it is often called) will pitch it into a highly competitive market.

"In addition"he says"the current market valuation leaves little room for error in issues such as expansion and execution in China,competitive response from other wine producers,or disruptions in global economic growth."

But BAML’s Errington disagrees. He describes the stock as well placed to take advantage of"once in a generation global industry conditions".

"We have only just commenced an upturn in a very long duration 20-year wine cycle and the upturn is happening with little to no supply response to the tightening marketing conditions,"he says."This is caused by,amongst other things,a lack of finance available to wine producers."

With such varying views it will be hard for a regular Treasury shareholder to get a handle on whether to ‘sell’ or ‘buy’. Given there’s unlikely to be a meeting of market minds any time soon,perhaps the best course is to crack open a bottle of wine and drink through it.

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