The designs for the new Parramatta pool have been unveiled. The project is due to be completed in 2023.

The designs for the new Parramatta pool have been unveiled. The project is due to be completed in 2023.

The new aquatic facility will replace the Parramatta Memorial Pool,which the NSW government demolished two years agoto make way for an improved Parramatta Stadium.

That decision sparked tensions between the government and the City of Parramatta Council over who should pay for a replacement.

On Monday,after more than a year of negotiations,Sports Minister John Sidoti said the state government would contribute $38.5 million to the project,which will be managed by the council.

The council also unveiled the design for the aquatic centre,which will feature a 50-metre outdoor pool with 10 lanes and a 25-metre indoor pool surrounded by Parramatta Park's Mays Hill Precinct.

The winning design for the new Parramatta Pool was by a consortium of Andrew Burgess Architects,Grimshaw Architects and McGregor Coxall.

The winning design for the new Parramatta Pool was by a consortium of Andrew Burgess Architects,Grimshaw Architects and McGregor Coxall.

There will also be learn to swim facilities,a fitness centre,change rooms,a cafe and parking spaces.

The lord mayor of the City of Parramatta,Andrew Wilson,expects more than a million visitors will use the complex each year for fitness,recreation,swimming carnivals,training and competitions.


"Our vision is to have a high-quality facility in the heart of our city where locals and workers alike can learn essential water safety skills,as well as have somewhere to cool off in the hot summer months."

Last year,the former sports minister Stuart Ayres said the government would not spend more than$30 million replacing the pool and,with the council baulking at negotiations,was prepared to build that pool on its own.

The facility will include two pools,a fitness centre and a cafe.

The facility will include two pools,a fitness centre and a cafe.

But Cr Wilson said at the time that the government's $30 million would not deliver a like-for-like replacement of the former pool,which had included multiple swimming facilities.

Mr Sidoti said on Monday that the government and council were"on the same page when it comes to delivering an outstanding all-year-round aquatic facility that gives the community what they have asked for".


The council will also spend $38.5 million on the pool.

Cr Wilson said he was"excited to see this project progressing"."I look forward to working to ensure this first-class facility is delivered for the Parramatta community as soon as possible."

Parramatta MP Geoff Lee said the aquatic centre"will be the envy of communities all over the state".

"It will be a complex with versatility designed to meet the needs of Parramatta now and in the future for decades to come,"Mr Lee said.

The council expects to lodge a development application for the project in 2020.

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