Rights commissioner Kristen Hilton.

Rights commissioner Kristen Hilton.Credit:Darrian Traynor

A push by Reason Party MP Fiona Patten for tough new anti-trolling laws in Victoria was sent to a parliamentary committee on Wednesday morning,in a move that will push the reform process back well into 2020.

Ms Patten hopes to widen the state’s legislation to include hate speech targeting people for their gender,disability,sexual orientation or gender identity. At present,the law only covers racial and religious vilification and has resulted in just one prosecution in 17 years.

The committee process is expected to result in a bill ready to be debated next year.

But Premier Daniel Andrews said the Morrison government’s controversial religious freedoms bill,if passed by the Federal Parliament,could have a serious effect on anything Victoria could do to protect its residents from online hate speech.

"We’ve made some commitment,around having a good look at some of the hate crimes law that we have in place,"the Premier said.

"But we’re probably looking to see what the outcomes are from some of the bills,particularly the religious freedoms bill,that are before the Federal Parliament.

"We want to see how that unfolds,because it might cut across some of the work we’re looking to do.”


Ms Patten said abusive hate speech was escalating in the community.


"The vicious and vile material that we are seeing everyday against women,against men,against people with disabilities must be addressed,"she said.

Ms Patten said the referral of her bill to the committee was a good start to a necessary public conversation.

"We have seen people swarmed by thousands of messages calling for them to be killed,calling for them to be raped,"she said.

"That is not covered by discrimination legislation and this is why we're calling for vilification legislation that already exists on the grounds of race and religion."

Speaking on ABC radio on Wednesday morning,commissioner Kristen Hilton said the state’s laws against hate speech failed to protect key targets for online tolls,and needed to be reformed.

"Our view is that the act does need to be amended,"Ms Hilton said.

"There does need to be an expansion of provisions in the bill that protect other groups from hateful speech.

"We get complaints from people but we also see a lot of the online hate that is often directed against members of the LGBTI community,it is directed against women,it is directed against people with a disability it is also directed against people on the basis of their age sometimes.

"This act came into effect 17 years ago and that was really before we understood online platforms,how they can give rise to the vilification we see on a daily basis."

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