Government should not tell business what to talk about
Government should not tell business what to talk about

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This was published4years ago


Government should not tell business what to talk about

The Liberal Party has in the past welcomed contributions from business leaders to the public debate but Prime Minister Scott Morrison has over the past week broken with tradition and told business to stop talking about certain issues.

He has warned business leaders to avoid “distractions” and called for more conversations instead about the economy and jobs.

Ben Morton,assistant minister to Mr Morrison,was more specific about the areas where business needs to put a sock in it. “Too often I see corporate Australia succumb or pander to similar pressures from noisy,highly orchestrated campaigns of elites typified by groups such as GetUp or activist shareholders”.

Mr Morrison may believe he is showing he understands what is going on outside the “Canberra bubble” but the rhetoric sounds dangerously like an attempt to bully businesses into not talking about things that the government does not like.

The reference to GetUp and activists suggests that the government has in its sights the likes of Qantas CEO Alan Joyce who supports marriage equality orAtlassian CEOs Mike Cannon-Brookes who is pushing for action on climate change and has announced his workers can take part in the national “climate strike” protests on Friday.

TheHerald is never in favour of stifling debate and that applies especially to contributions from business leaders.

Frankly,it is none of the government’s business what business leaders talk about.

It is up to shareholders and their boards to decide what is in their best interests. They are the ones best placed to decide which issues to speak out on.

Sometimes business speaks out simply as a matter of principle. One example might be the global campaign by Andrew Forrest’s Fortescue Metals Group against slavery and forced labour.

But more often they do so because they take a wider view of what is in their business’ interests.


Big companies have to think about lots of big issues

The government seems to be telling business not to talk about climate change but in fact businesses are increasingly required to do so. Regulators such as the Reserve Bank of Australia and the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority are warning directors they will be liable if they fail to take climate change into account.

Speaking out on a wide range of issues is not altruism but smart business. For high-tech and international companies like Qantas and Atlassian,who need to attract and retain an educated and diverse workforce it is a no-brainer to promote values such as support for LGBTI rights or climate activism.

Mr Joyce and Mr Cannon-Brookes know their people like working at a company which shares their values.

Speaking out also helps companies win over consumers and other stakeholders. A recent survey by the Committee for Economic Development of Australia found 80 per cent of people want business leaders to show they stand for something.

When businesses “pander” to activist campaigns,it is usually not because of some coercive plot by activists but because the issue has become important to their customers and ignoring them will damage the company’s brand. For example,Woolworths last year introduced a charge on single-use plastic bags after a campaign about waste,a decision which theHeraldsupported.

In our modern economy,the concerns of business leaders go far beyond the narrow confines of tax and industrial relations where Mr Morrison seems to want to corral them. Let them speak out and,just as importantly,let Mr Morrison listen.

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