Christian Porter is weighing further concessions to secure crossbench support for his union bill.

Christian Porter is weighing further concessions to secure crossbench support for his union bill.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

"The critical issue is to make sure we don't interfere with the good work unions do,"Senator Patrick toldThe Sydney Morning Herald andThe Age.

Mr Porter,the Morrison government's Industrial Relations Minister,indicated earlier this month that hemay agree to sacrifice his ministerial power to apply for deregistration or disqualification - as requested by Senator Patrick - if it will enable the government to pass the bill.

Senator Patrick said the further changes sought on Monday included amending the bill,which is subject to a Senate inquiry due to report in October,to ensure that the Federal Court will have a discretion to"consider the gravity of the offence"behind an application to deregister a union or disqualify an official.


"I am also seeking to narrow the range of offences that could give rise to a disqualification or deregistration so that'paperwork misdemeanors'can't result in such actions,"he said.

He said last week's Senate hearings had brought"additional information"to his attention that called for further changes to the bill.

Union leaders and legal experts gave evidence at the hearings in Canberra and Brisbane that the bill as currently drafted would enable deregistration to be pursued over minor infringements of the Fair Work Act,such as mistakes in filling out paperwork.


Evidence was given that the bill could be used to deregister unions for taking what they believe to be protected industrial action - but later turned out to be unprotected.


The nurses'unionsays it could be deregistered over its "respectful" campaigns for patient safety,even if they do not include strike action.

The government needs either Centre Alliance or Tasmanian senator Jacqui Lambie's support to get the legislation through the upper house.

Senator Lambie has said she will vote for the bill if controversial CFMMEU Victorian construction secretary John Setka does not resign.

Mr Porter said he was open to"reasonable"changes to the bill,as long as it would still achieve the goal of the reform - to"deliver an overall outcome which will[ensure] registered organisations and officials ... are required to obey the laws of the land".


Senator Lambie has not made clear whether she would vote for the bill in its original form,or as amended by negotiation with Centre Alliance. She declined to comment when asked.

Senator Patrick is supportive of the bill's wider aims of clamping down on repeated law-breaking and misconduct by unions and officials,but wants to ensure the reform takes the approach of a"nutcracker"rather than a"sledgehammer".

Workplace law expert Anthony Forsyth,a professor at RMIT University,told the Senate committee the bill would compel the court to agree to deregister a union if grounds existed - even if the breach was small - unless doing so would be"unjust".

"So there is a narrowing of the discretion given to the Federal Court in relation to whether to consider whether the consequence of deregistration would apply,"Professor Forsyth said.

Union leaders also questioned the impartiality of the Registered Organisations Commission,which could be tasked with pursuing unions if the minister forfeits his power and removes the abilities of"interested parties"such as employers to apply for deregistration.

Senator Patrick said he respected judges'ability to decide impartially,making the judicial discretion a key amendment.

He said he was"sympathetic"to concerns about unions being tied up in litigation over low-level breaches,detracting from their core work of advocating on behalf of workers.

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