John Mickel,pictured in State Parliament in 2006.

John Mickel,pictured in State Parliament in 2006.Credit:Robert Rough

The ad,published on the LNP's Facebook and YouTube channels on Tuesday,ran quotes from an ABC Radio interview with Mr Condren and labelled him a"no idea"candidate.

It had about 3000 views on Facebook and43 on YouTube by Thursday afternoon.

Professor Mickel said he had been"staggered"at the speed and strength of attacks against Mr Condren,whose candidacy was announced on Sunday as Labor dumped former candidate Rod Harding.

"When I look at an attack ad ... what they’re trying to do is frame a candidate as know-nothing and hope that settles in the public mind,"he said.

"So to that extent,the LNP are quite serious about retaining the fifth term.

"But secondly,the way in which the Labor party changed its mayoral candidates,what it says to me is,equally,Labor is serious."

The LNP have held the administration of Brisbane City Council since Campbell Newman defeated Labor incumbent Tim Quinn in 2004,although in that first term he had to work with a Labor-dominated council.


In June,Professor Mickel warned thatLabor needed to respond to the LNP's slick rejuvenation of its City Hall administration.

Earlier this year lord mayorGraham Quirk's handing of the baton to Adrian Schrinner and the replacement of several long-serving councillors with new faces all occurred without the use of by-elections,as permitted under legislation.

This week Labor responded not only by dumping Mr Harding in favour of Mr Condren,a veteran political journalist self-described as an "anti-politician politician",but by shaking up its internal leadership structure as well.

Longstanding opposition leader Peter Cumming (Wynnum Manly) stood aside with his deputy Jared Cassidy (Deagon) promoted to lead the five-person Labor council team.

Professor Mickel said adding the"very impressive"Kara Cook (Morningside) as the new Labor deputy meant the party now had a"formidable"team.

"That shows – to me,anyway – that they’re quite serious about lifting their internal profile,"he said.

Cr Cassidy said the new team had strong experience both in council and in the community,with Mr Condren's experience outside the council system a benefit.

"I think[the LNP ad] shows that they are worried about having a team and a candidate in Pat Condren actually applying a great deal of pressure on them,"Cr Cassidy said.

He said that Mr Condren's admissions on ABC Radio that he didn't know how much rates in Brisbane were,and his openness about not knowing,were in fact appreciated by the community.

"People actually looked at that and went,'You know what,he’s actually human and we don’t mind that about him'.

"I think ... that is a breath of fresh air in council and in politics generally."

Patrick Condren was announced as Labor's lord mayoral candidate for Brisbane.

Patrick Condren was announced as Labor's lord mayoral candidate for Brisbane.Credit:Facebook

Professor Mickel said aside from the lord mayoral race,the planned changes to Brisbane's ward boundaries would change the equation.

The Electoral Commission of Queensland iscurrently finalising the new ward boundaries,six months out from the election in March.

Councillors relied heavily on personal following to retain their wards,he said,so boundary changes could tilt the election unexpectedly as councillors lost key support and new candidates worked to win hearts and minds.

He cited LNP councillorRyan Murphy's decision to jump from Doboy,where he sat on a margin of 4.2 per cent,in favour of Chandler and a 24.6 per cent margin as an example of the LNP preparing for some challenges.

As for the Greens,Professor Mickel said while wards such asPaddington were shaping into a three-horse race,the party's apparent connections to climate activist group Extinction Rebellion could play against them.

The activist group has been repeatedlyblocking traffic for months across Brisbane with stunts such as gluing themselves to the Victoria Bridge.

Professor Mickel said if the major parties could successfully convince voters that the Greens were hand-in-hand with the activists,it could play against them.

"If that’s cemented in the public mind that that’s the Greens … I think that will have a political consequences,"Professor Mickel said.

Greens councillor Jonathan Sri (The Gabba) said he believed voters were smart enough to make the distinction between an activist group and a political party.

"I think people also understand how broken and corrupt our political system is now,"Cr Sri said.

"While people do get annoyed about protests,whatever the issue is,they also understand and respect that people are standing up against the big end of town."

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