A submission to Labor's internal review of the 2019 election says it had"amazing"policies for women but failed to sell them to voters.

A submission to Labor's internal review of the 2019 election says it had "amazing" policies for women but failed to sell them to voters.Credit:AAP

"White,Anglo men are not the only sources of knowledge in the party of campaign expertise,"it said in a submission to the Labor Party's 2019 federal election review.

While praising the female-focused policies developed by the parliamentary wing of the party - including $660 million for domestic violence,a pay increase for early childhood educators and a plan to boost access to abortion and contraception - the group said the campaign failed to sell the policies to voters during the election campaign.

"We had a really amazing suite of gender-based policies,but no capacity to sell it,"EMILY's List national co-convenor Tanja Kovac said.


The submission blamed the party's communication problems on"the lack of diversity,especially women,in leadership positions in the national office of the ALP and in senior positions responsible for analysing and integrating polling and other data into a comprehensive campaign plan".

"The long-term male-to-male,factional patronage into senior organising positions,with little transparency or openness in appointments ... had led to a homogenous'groupthink,'which is failing Labor."


EMILY's List Australia is a support network for progressive Labor female candidates,providing campaign advice and election funding. It has supported more than 260 women into parliaments around Australia,including former prime minister Julia Gillard and frontbenchers Tanya Plibersek and Penny Wong. It is an independent,not-for-profit group,but is closely aligned to the Labor Party.

EMILY's List also criticised the Labor Party's head office for"disorganisation and lack of strategy". As an example,it was given just 24 hours'notice to help promote former leader Bill Shorten over the Mother's Day weekend of the campaign.

Labor's national secretary during the election,Noah Carroll,resigned in July, after he was blamed for some of the blunders during the campaign,including the reliance on misleading polling. He was replaced by Paul Erickson in August.

A review into the campaign,written by Craig Emerson and Jay Weatherill,is expected to be released early next month.

Labor has had gender quotas for its parliamentary representatives since the 1990s,but there is no formal affirmative action policy for officials.

A Labor source conceded that more diversity was needed,but noted some progress was already being made pointing to a number of women recently appointed to senior state positions,including state secretariesClare Burns in Victoria and Julie-Ann Campbell in Queensland.

In the submission,EMILY's List also warned against anyattempts to water down Labor's abortion policy saying it rejected the suggestion Labor lost voters in key seats because of the policy.

The chair of the Labor caucus committee on women,NSW MP Sharon Claydon,was central to the development of policies including the reproductive and sexual health plan.

"We'd been working on all these great policies,for two,three years,yet it wasn't heard or understood,or it was messed up by all this white noise in the campaign,"she said,referring to claims by anti-abortion activists that Labor was promoting third-term abortions.

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