Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk in state Parliament on Tuesday.

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk in state Parliament on Tuesday.Credit:Dan Peled/AAP

Ms Palaszczuk was found to have been in contempt of Parliament by the powerful ethics committee,over her move to strip extra funding from KAP in 2018 after it refused to denounce comments from far-right senator Fraser Anning.

The Premier on Tuesday made a brief statement to Parliament apologising for her actions.

"I accept the findings of the report,I accept the responsibility for the actions I took which led to those findings,"Ms Palaszczuk said.

"I offer my unreserved and sincere apology to the house."

Katter's Australia Party Queensland MPs (from left) Shane Knuth,Robbie Katter and Nick Dametto refused to denounce KAP senator Fraser Anning's first speech to federal Parliament.

Katter's Australia Party Queensland MPs (from left) Shane Knuth,Robbie Katter and Nick Dametto refused to denounce KAP senator Fraser Anning's first speech to federal Parliament.Credit:Dan Peled/ AAP

Ms Palaszczuk then left the chamber,leaving it to her parliamentary team to defend her from a sustained attack from the LNP opposition during a subsequent debate of a motion accepting the Premier’s apology and recognising she had been found in contempt.


KAP Queensland leader Robbie Katter said he accepted the Premier’s apology"on a personal level"but said the subsequent commentary by Labor MPs undermined her brief admission of guilt.


"[There was] a 10-second apology by the Premier in Parliament,and our feeling was that was heavily qualified by subsequent speakers in the debate that started name-calling the KAP again,"Mr Katter said.

"It’s very difficult to feel vindicated when I have to sit there and listen to another 20 minutes of accusations and name-calling from the same party that’s just offered the apology."

The KAP leader said the party was not yet sure whether it would be able to refer the matter to the Director of Public Prosecutions,ironically because it did not have enough staff.

"We just got handed all this material,a 34-page document while we’re in the house,we’re getting across that,"he said.


"We voted against the motion because it read to us as though it wanted to finally resolve the issue within the Parliament and nothing else should be done."

The matter was sparked in August last year when the Premier issued an ultimatum to the minor party to denounce then-senator Mr Anning,who had called for a "final solution" to the problem of immigration and a return to the White Australia policy.

Ms Palaszczuk said if the KAP did not denounce the comments,she would strip it of extra funding granted by the government in 2015 following Labor’s surprise election win.

Mr Katter referred the calls to the Crime and Corruption Commission,however the CCC threw the matter back to the Parliament,saying while there had been a"technical"breach of the law,the responsibility for dealing with it rested with the house.

Mr Katter then referred the matter to the ethics committee,which tabled a report on Tuesday,about a year later,saying the Premier did exert"improper influence"by issuing the ultimatum to KAP to denounce Mr Anning or risk losing funding and staff.

The report clarified that it was legal for the Premier to alter KAP’s funding agreement at any time but by linking the action to an ultimatum she was directly seeking to influence a sitting MP,which is a breach of the law.

It also found that while Ms Palaszczuk’s initial response to the issue during Question Time in Parliament had been"off-the-cuff",the Premier then doubled down and repeated her ultimatum later outside Parliament,notably during the Labor state conference.

The committee recommended the Premier make a full apology to the house for improperly influencing KAP members.

It also recommended that Parliament should accept the Premier’s apology as adequate as a penalty for being found in contempt.

In a letter to the ethics committee,which was included in its report,Ms Palaszczuk claimed she was not aware her actions could be considered a contempt.

"My motivation was not to undermine any parliamentary processes;rather it was to denounce comments made by former senator Anning about the'final solution'– comments which I described at the time as'abhorrent'and counter to the most basic human rights,"she said.

The Premier’s Labor colleagues in Parliament defended her in her absence on Tuesday,with multiple MPs rising to claim that her actions were ultimately justified because she was speaking out against hate speech.

"This action and timeframe in which the honourable Premier has done so speaks volumes of the character of the woman who leads our great state – the same character she showed when she rallied against those racist and xenophobic comments of senator Anning,"Attorney-General Yvette D’Ath said,a theme repeated by many Labor MPs.

The opposition slammed the Premier over the issue,saying regardless of her intentions she had abused the power available to her.

"No other premier in living history,that we are aware of,has been found in contempt of Parliament,"Opposition Leader Deb Frecklington said.

"The Premier’s apology is inadequate;it is clear the Premier still does not understand the issue."

The ethics committee report also recommended the discretion for funding for minor parties be taken away from the government of the day and put in the hands of an independent body,potentially the Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal.

Mr Katter moved a motion suggesting a similar move,which was eventually passed by the house on Tuesday.

If implemented,it would fulfil one of the final outstanding recommendations of the landmark Fitzgerald Report into system corruption in Queensland,handed down 30 years ago.

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