Danish cheese makers have won exclusive rights to use the name Havarti,angering the Australian and US dairy industries.

Danish cheese makers have won exclusive rights to use the name Havarti,angering the Australian and US dairy industries.

Less than half the world's Havarti is made in Denmark. Other major producers include the United States and Canada and it is also made in Australia,New Zealand and European nations such as Germany.

The use of"protected geographical indications (GI)"by the EU,which identify a product as originating from a specific place,continues to anger food producers around the world who claim some of them are wrongly applied to generic foods as a protectionist measure.

Dairy associations from Australia,New Zealand,Argentina,Uruguay and the US,together with the Consortium for Common Food Names,wrote to EU trade commissioner Cecilia Malmström on Thursday night expressing outrage at the"disregard of established international standards and protocols for fair trade".


"Such an approval lays bare the fact that all too often the EU GI system is used not for legitimate intellectual property protection,but instead for barely concealed protectionism and economic gain,"the letter says.

A creamy,semi-hard cheese,Havarti has become a staple in Danish cuisine and was traditionally made from the milk of Danish cows. Denmark has faced a four-year battle to gain recognition for Havarti,arguing the vast majority of its population associate it with the country and knowledge of the cheese outside is"extremely limited".

But the international group argues Havarti does not refer to any geographic region in Denmark,and most Havarti cheese is produced in other countries,including by Danish company Arla Foods in the US from American dairy cows.


GIs have also been applied to countries that have signed trade deals with the EU - for example,Australian-made feta must be called Australian white cheese when sold in South Korea.

Consortium for Common Food Names executive director Jaime Castaneda said it was an"egregious overstep"that attempted to shut the door on competition from the many producers of Havarti around the world.

"And the fact that the Danes are making Havarti in Wisconsin made with milk from Wisconsin cows calls into question the defining factor of GIs:that they are tied to a specific'geography'or place,"Mr Castaneda said.

Dairy producers have offered a compromise deal that includes the geographic component of the name,such as"Danish Havarti",mirroring existing GIs such as Orkney Scottish Island Cheddar,a specialty type of cheddar cheese.

The EU did not list Havarti among408 names of spirits and food names to be protected as GIs within Australia ahead of trade negotiations,with the proposed list including feta,Asiago,Gruyère,Kalamata olives,Parmigiano Reggiano,Scotch beef and Grappa.


Federal Trade Minister Simon Birmingham has said Australia does not like the idea of GIs but concedes it is a"not-negotiable element"from the EU.

"We will put up a strong fight in terms of areas of Australian interests and ultimately what we're trying to do is get the best possible deal that ensures Australian businesses and farmers can get better access to a market engaging 500 million potential consumers,"he said in August.

The Australian Dairy Industry Council has expressed concern at EU efforts to impose its"trade-restrictive GI regime"on Australia through a free-trade agreement. It estimates the potential direct impact on Australian dairy manufacturers from lost sales and increased marketing costs caused by the strict enforcement of GIs could range from $70 million to $90 million a year in the early stages of the trade deal.

It is also alarmed by the EU's interest in extending the scope of labelling restrictions to include colours,flags and even symbols that might evoke EU countries.

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