French President Emmanuel Macron,right,said the US under President Donald Trump appeared to be"turning its back on us".

French President Emmanuel Macron,right,said the US under President Donald Trump appeared to be "turning its back on us".Credit:AP

Trump surprised his NATO partners with last month's troop withdrawal. NATO plays no role in Syria,apart from helping the coalition fight the Islamic State extremist group. But the move was seen by Turkey,another NATO ally,as a green light to invade the region.

Trump also wrong-footed the allies by announcing a troop draw-down in Afghanistan and then declaring that peace talks with the Taliban were cancelled after a bomb attack killed a US soldier. NATO has played a major security role in the country since 2003,but its future there is now unclear.

Beyond that,the US leader publicly berated other leaders at a May 2017 summit for failing to boost their military budgets. Trump's preoccupation with defence spending has been a constant theme since he came to office in 2016 and is expected to feature at the next NATO summit,in London on December 3 and 4.

Macron said European members of the 29-nation alliance"should reassess the reality of what NATO is in the light of the commitment of the United States."

More broadly,Trump's trade tariffs against the EU also have rankled European members of NATO. And his decision to pull the US out of the Paris climate agreement particularly annoyed Macron.


In the interview,Macron said that Trump"doesn't share our idea of the European project". He added that Europe stands on"the edge of a precipice"and must start thinking like a geopolitical power,otherwise it will"no longer be in control of our destiny."


While France has traditionally had an ambivalent role in NATO,taking no part in its strategic military planning from 1966 to 2009 despite being a founding member,Macron's comments - a month before NATO's December 4 summit in London - were unexpected.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said he was overreacting.

"The French President has found rather drastic words to express his views. This is not how I see the state of cooperation at NATO,"she told a news conference in Berlin alongside NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg.

Stoltenberg said NATO had overcome differences in the past,citing the 1956 Suez Crisis and the 2003 Iraq War.


The secretary-general and many allies want to project an image of unity at the summit at a time of rising Chinese military might and what NATO leaders see as Russian attempts to undermine Western democracies through cyber attacks,disinformation campaigns and covert operations.

The US is the biggest and most influential member of NATO. It spends more on its defence budget than all the others combined.

In Russia,Macron's comments were hailed as an accurate depiction of NATO's state.

"Golden words - an exact definition of the current state of NATO,"Maria Zakharova,the spokeswoman of Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs,wrote on her Facebook page.


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