Universities face greater responsibilities under new foreign interference guidelines.

Universities face greater responsibilities under new foreign interference guidelines.Credit:Joe Armao

The guidelines – to be voluntarily implemented by universities as autonomous institutions – include formal responsibilities around governance,due diligence towards research collaborators and staff appointments,raising awareness about foreign interference risks on campus,and strengthening cyber security.

The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation has warned of"unprecedented"levels of foreign espionage and interference in Australia,and Education Minister Dan Tehan said universities were caught up in this.

"The Morrison government is working with universities to ensure they have the necessary protections for students,research data,and academic integrity,"Mr Tehan said.


Under the guidelines,universities are urged to examine the backgrounds of research partners to establish their ethical record and ties to foreign governments. They will also have to apply greater scrutiny to especially sensitive research collaboration.

The document warns that foreign entities"may attempt inappropriately to alter or direct the research agenda into particular areas",a manipulation that can take place through subtle influence and funding arrangements which threaten intellectual property.

The guidelines,to be released on Thursday,make clear that international collaboration should be supported but academics have a"responsibility to act ethically and in good faith"in their partnerships.


It suggests stronger scrutiny of funding sources to avert influence on academic programs and measures to better"manage perception of undue influence or interference".

There has been intense public scrutiny of partnerships with Chinese entitieslinked to propaganda,human rights abuses and development of technology with possible military applications. Concerns have also focused onintimidation of students and academics who speak out on topics viewed as sensitive by the Chinese government.

The guidelines call for better internal reporting mechanisms and awareness among staff about the threats to academic freedom and Australia's national interest.

These risks include demands or inducements to change course content and cancel events. It warns of"harassment,hostility,intimidation or other negative conduct"directed towards people expressing opinions at odds with foreign political,religious or social agendas.

The document also warns of"intrusion into life on campus for purposes of coercing and'policing'a student population,particularly with a view to suppress criticism or dissent".

Universities Australia chair Deborah Terry,the vice-chancellor of Curtin University,said there had been a genuinely equal partnership between university and government.


"The intent is not to add to the regulatory or compliance burden for universities,nor to contravene university autonomy – but to enhance resources and intelligence to further safeguard our people,research and technology,"Professor Terry said.

Vicki Thomson,chief executive of the Group of Eight universities,said the government had"chosen to seek
sector inclusion in its process rather than take the heavy-handed overreach approach of the US".

The guidelines acknowledge the"potential tensions"between preventing foreign interference and respecting open research and academic freedom under university autonomy.

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