Prime Minister Scott Morrison:"We're an open democracy,we speak our minds as individuals."

Prime Minister Scott Morrison:"We're an open democracy,we speak our minds as individuals."Credit:Getty

Thedecision to deny Mr Hastie and Senator Paterson,vocal critics of the Chinese Communist Party's human rights record and interference in Australia,visas for a study tour comes asThe New York Times publishedinternal Chinese Communist documents exposing the country's crackdown on Muslim minority groups.

"They were denied visas,which I think was very disappointing,"Mr Morrison told Adelaide's FiveAA radio station."The response by Senator Paterson and Andrew Hastie I thought was spot on,I thought it was very measured,it was very strong,I thought it was very appropriate.


"It's for others to explain as to why they took the view that they did – the Chinese authorities. But we're an open democracy,we speak our minds as individuals and certainly James and Andrew have always been known for that,we'll always be who we are."

He also responded to a report in Monday'sThe Australian revealing Australia's human rights partnership with China was quietly suspended in August after more than two decades.

"This matter wasn't being progressed,the last time it met was in 2014,there was no forward momentum of it,so yes we discontinued it in August,"Mr Morrison said.

"It wasn't getting the job done,we'll continue to raise these issues,sensitive issues,whether it be on human rights or other[issues]."


Asked whether China respected Australia's democracy,Mr Morrison said:"They respect our sovereignty,I mean they have a different system to us."

Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese earlier said it was"unfortunate"China had banned the two Liberal MPs.

"There are genuine and legitimate concerns about human rights in China – particularly what we hear about the treatment of the Uighurs and ... what is happening in Hong Kong."

Mr Albanese said Australia should deal with China"diplomatically and respectfully whilst standing up for our view on human rights".

On Saturday,a Chinese embassy spokesperson issued a statement saying"the Chinese people do not welcome those who make unwarranted attacks,wantonly exert pressure on China,challenge China's sovereignty,disrespect China's dignity and undermine mutual trust between China and Australia".

But in a sign it would allow the two MPs to travel to China if they apologised or toned down their remarks,the Chinese embassy added:"As long as the people concerned genuinely repent and redress their mistakes,view China with objectivity and reason ... the door of dialogue and exchanges will always remain open".

with Judith Ireland

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