Sydney's economic growth rate has slowed.

Sydney's economic growth rate has slowed.Credit:Alina Gozin'a

Despite Sydney's slowdown,there is a growing disparity between the economic performance of the city and the state’s drought-hit regions.

The economy of regional NSW shrank by 0.3 per cent last financial year with agricultural production down almost 20 per cent compared with 2017-18.

The effects of drought weighed heavily on activity in regional cities,especially Wagga Wagga where output contracted by 2.5 per cent and Orange where output shrank 1.1 per cent.

Growth was also subdued in Newcastle (0.9 per cent) and Wollongong (0.7 per cent) during 2018-19.

The report shows GDP per person in regional NSW in 2018-19 was $604 lower than the previous year at $55,193,but in greater Sydney output per person rose by $504 to $86,521. The difference of $31,328 was the largest ever shown by the survey,which has figures going back to 1990.

The report’s author,economist Terry Rawnsley,said Sydney’s economy had “slowed markedly” since 2015-16 when it grew by 4 per cent. The downturn in the property market between mid-2017 and mid-2019 and weaker activity in the construction sector had contributed.

“There is definitely nervousness among Sydney consumers,” Mr Rawnsley said.


Even so,Sydney remains a major contributor to the Australian economy.

“While growth in the Sydney economy weakened,the harbour city still contributed 32.9 per cent of Australian GDP growth in 2018-19,” Mr Rawnsley said.

Sydney’s economic output last financial year was $461.4 billion,equivalent to 24.1 per cent of Australia’s gross domestic product.

The economic output of inner-city Sydney,which includes the central business district and its immediate surrounds,was $140 billion last financial year or nearly 10 per cent of Australia’s GDP.

Growth was strongest along Sydney's “global economic corridor” which runs from the Kingsford Smith airport through the CBD and arcs to the north-west to Macquarie Park.

Mr Rawnsley said that corridor accounted for a third of the city’s growth last financial year.

But growth in western Sydney’s major economic hubs was well below the city-wide average,including Parramatta (1.6 per cent),Blacktown (1.6 per cent),Campbelltown (1.6 per cent) and Liverpool (1.7 per cent).

The finance and insurance sector was the biggest contributor to Sydney’s economy with 15.1 per cent of the city’s output in 2018-19,followed by professional services (9.6 per cent) and construction (7 per cent).

Melbourne was the fastest growing city economy at 4 per cent,followed by Hobart/Tasmania (3.6 per cent) and Adelaide (3.2 per cent). Perth had the lowest growth among the capital cities of 0.1 per cent.

GDP per capita is not a measure of individual incomes but instead divides economic output by the total population. It is an important gauge of living standards.

Figures released by the Bureau of Statistics last month showed the NSW economy grew by 1.9 per cent last financial year,the slowest rate in five years.

The Berejiklian government’shalf-year budget review released last week forecast even weaker growth for the state economy this financial year of 1.75 per cent.

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