A young woman refuses to shake the hand of the Prime Minister during his visit to Cobargo.

A young woman refuses to shake the hand of the Prime Minister during his visit to Cobargo.Credit:Nine News

"Oh well,nice to see you,"Mr Morrison responded.

He subsequently told a Rural Fire Service incident controller to"tell that fella I'm really sorry,I'm sure he's just tired".

The controller replied:"No,no,he lost a house."

The Prime Minister told ABC News he came to Cobargo to"see it for myself,to offer what comfort I could,but you can't always in every circumstances".

"I'm not surprised people are feeling very raw at the moment,"Mr Morrison said.

"I understand the very strong feelings people have. They've lost everything and there are still some very dangerous days ahead."


Mr Morrison told radio station 2GB he was happy to bear the brunt of criticism from locals.

"I know when people get fearful or indeed angry,and they want to express that and if that means they want to get angry at me,then if that helps,by all means,I've got broad shoulders."

NSW's Transport Minister Constance said he didn't know the PM would be in his area.

"I didn't even know he was coming and I haven't had a call from him,"Mr Constance said.

"To be honest with you,the locals probably gave him the welcome he probably deserved."

Mr Constance also called for more assistance from the federal government.

"I know a firie who lost their home and rang Centrelink yesterday and it was a terrible experience for him. We need the best people available through federal agencies to just have that sensitivity [and] make sure people get immediately some money in their pockets to buy supplies."


Mr Morrison has been criticised for taking a family holiday to Hawaii while bushfires burned around the country and has repeatedly been under pressure for his handling of the situation.

The Prime Minister later apologised,saying he accepted the criticism.

"I get it that people would have been upset to know that I was holidaying with my family while their families were under great stress ... But I'm comforted by the fact that Australians would like me to be here,just simply so I can be here,alongside them as they're going through this terrible time ... and I apologise for that."

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