Margaret Court with Rod Laver at the ceremony on Monday night.

Margaret Court with Rod Laver at the ceremony on Monday night.Credit:Joe Armao

Her presence on court followed a short documentary that was shown at the venue,which featured Court talking about her four wins in the calendar grand slam and a guest appearance from one of her fiercest rivals,Billie Jean King.

“I always loved going away and being the No.1-ranked Australian player. That meant a lot to me,"Court said in the documentary.

“I never looked at it as how famous you were or how well-known you were. With me what you got is what you got."

King said of her fierce sporting rivalry with Court:“That’s what you want,you know,it’s like championship boxing. But I think when you play against somebody that pushes you,that does bring out the best in both players. And I would think probably sometimes she probably bought the best in me as well."

There was one man in the crowd who stayed silent and held up a rainbow flag.

Tennis Australia had been hesitant to release too many details about the nature and timing of the recognition for fear of protests or any crowd dissidence. They were also careful to say the ceremony was a"recognition"and not a"celebration"of Court,given her long-held views on homosexuality and transgender people.


Laver,a much-loved figure with tennis crowds,was perhaps a clever choice to involve in the ceremony to keep fans onside.

Earlier on Monday,tennis legend Martina Navratilova called for Court to stop"hurting people".

"It's just unfortunate because I think what Margaret Court doesn't realise is how many people she hurts with her rhetoric,"Navratilova,who is openly gay,said.

"She can believe whatever she wants but she's actually hurting people and that's not OK."

Decorated Australian doubles player Rennae Stubbs was short when asked for her view on Court's ceremony.

“I won’t be there. That’s my answer,"Stubbs said.

John McEnroe led the charge against Tennis Australia and Court on Monday morning while speaking on Eurosport.

"Tennis Australia is facing a dilemma – what do they do with their crazy aunt?

"Its solution?

"Recognise what she did in 1970 but we won't celebrate the person.


"Huh? It doesn't work that way. You can't separate the person from her achievements.

"Serena[Williams],please win two more slams and pass Margaret Court so we can leave Margaret Court in the past,where she belongs."

Former Australian world No.4 Jelena Dokic was more diplomatic than McEnroe.

"The things she has said off the court are extremely hurtful and unacceptable and something I do not agree with,"Dokic said.

"I think Tennis Australia and the way they have gone about it – I agree with them honouring her but at the same time pointing out what is right and what is wrong. It’s all about inclusion. They have extended the olive branch and so have the LGBTQ community as well. The rest is up to Margaret Court."

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