The new deputy leader of the Nationals,David Littleproud.

The new deputy leader of the Nationals,David Littleproud.Credit:Dominic Lorrimer

Mr McCormack said Queensland senator Matt Canavan,Mr Joyce's strongest supporter,would not return to Cabinet,afterhe quit on Monday night to support Mr Joyce.

"Matt Canavan has resigned his commission as resources minister and I wish him all the best,"he said.

He will now have to find two new cabinet ministers to fill Senator Canavan's and Senator McKenzie's spots,with speculation Keith Pitt and Darren Chester will be elevated.


He said a decision not to reveal the final vote count was part of the party's tradition.

"The first time I stood for the leadership after Barnaby Joyce resigned in February 2018,George Christensen stood. I don’t know the result still of that ballot,"he said.

"National Party votes were never revealed. The whip knows and that's been a convention of the National Party,a party,I might say that's been going for 100 years of secret ballots."

Mr Joyce congratulated Mr McCormack on his re-election but defended his actions.

Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce arrives for the leadership ballot.

Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce arrives for the leadership ballot.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

"It is appropriate that if an issue needs resolving as to contentions held,there is a procedure to resolve it as is noted in our parliamentary system. That process has been followed and the issue is finalised. This was made as brief as possible prior to the first sitting of parliament for the year,"Mr Joyce said.

"I support the vote of the room and will strive for the re-election of a Morrison-McCormack government as this is definitely the better outcome for Australia and especially of regional people.

"Now my first attentions go back to where they were before this week - New England,drought,fires and now the threat of coronavirus."

Mr Littleproud,who supported Mr McCormack,declared:"The shenanigans are over,it's time to get back to looking after those people that are facing drought,that have faced up to the fires. It's time for us to focus on them,not us."

Earlier on Tuesday,Prime Minster Scott Morrison said the Coalition would remain"strong"even if Mr Joyce won the ballot.

I don't expect him to[challenge again]. I've been endorsed as leader.

Nationals leader Michael McCormack on Barnaby Joyce

Before entering the meeting,Mr Joyce promised to overhaul the Coalition agreement should he win,warning he would muscle up to Mr Morrison by reminding him he had more political and leadership experience.

Speaking to journalists on Tuesday morning following a church service to mark the first sitting day of parliament for the year,Mr Morrison said Liberals and Nationals had always been able to work together and he did not expect that to change.

"Coalition government has been the majority form of government for most of our time since certainly the Liberal Party was formed. And that Coalition is always strong. The Coalition will always be strong. And the leaders of the parties have always worked closely together for the good of the country,"Mr Morrison said.


Before the meeting,Mr McCormack warned colleagues against"tearing down"the party.

"Out of respect for the fire victims who we will honour today in parliament,I will refrain and leave my comments until after the party room,"Mr McCormack said outside St Andrew's Presbyterian Church.

Victorian Nationals MP Darren Chester,a staunch supporter of Mr McCormack,said he was"embarrassed"about the leadership spill and warned his colleagues against"damaging our brand".

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