Illustration:Matt Golding

Illustration:Matt GoldingCredit:

Peter Hannam reports on renewables projects being curtailed from full production because there is insufficient connector capacity to let them fully access the grid ("Solar plants curtailed as power grids can't cope",February 10). What I don't understand is why these projects do not include the necessary grid connections and other upgrades as part of the scope of works? Who prepares the business plans for these projects? I have no problem with renewable generation projects but let's just get the engineering right first rather than just the eco-vibe. -Mike Seward,Port Fairy,VIC

Illustration:Matt Golding

Illustration:Matt GoldingCredit:

It resembles an episode ofYes Minister. Only in the world of Humphrey Appleby and Jim Hacker could a country in the throes of transitioning to renewable solar energy only now discover that the power grid destined to carry that energy lacks the capacity to perform the task. -Bill Young,Greenwich

Dr Matt Edwards calls it “misrepresentation” of scientific data ("Coalition is wilfully blind to the economics of renewables",February 10). I call it deliberately lying to mislead the people for political gain. We need to develop laws that require political statements to be made under penalty of perjury. Our leaders should not be allowed to lie with impunity. Australia is drifting dangerously towards a non-democracy. -Charmain Brinks,Newcastle

Our PM claims he cannot take action on climate change if it will lead to increased power prices for families and pensioners. His government is funding a feasibility study into building more coal-fired power stations. He says we must release gas to transition to a renewable economy. I am retired and have not paid a cent for electricity since July 2019. Solar panels on my roof generate more power than I use as well as charging my electric car. We may have to rely on coal and gas as we transition to renewables,but our government needs to stop promoting fossil fuels. We need to be looking forward to the renewable economy instead of sinking our efforts into stranded assets. We owe it to our children and grandchildren. -Margaret McDonald,Erina

No harm in assessing nuclear

As I understand it,all Katie Allen is suggesting is that a moratorium could be lifted so that there can be an economic,technological and readiness assessment of nuclear power by people properly qualified to perform such tasks ("Argument goes nuclear in search for energy solution",February 10).

That does not seem to be too outlandish a suggestion. Certainly,for those of us without any ideological objections,the results of these assessments could help us reach a more informed conclusion about whether or not nuclear power is appropriate for Australia. -Col Nicholson,Hawks Nest

The letter suggesting that more people have died falling off rooftops installing solar panels than the combined deaths from nuclear accidents is unscientific,factless,claptrap (Letters,February 10). On the other hand,if it is true that there is “growing support” for nuclear,perhaps the correspondent will suggest their backyard as the future site for nuclear power plant. -Anthony van den Broek,Erskineville


Climate emergency requires a fresh approach

Last year,some of our school students took one or two days day off to march for climate action. The response of the Premier,and others,was they should be in school getting an education. Since then we have had multiple school closures on multiple days due to the extreme weather events of unprecedented bushfires and now floods. While Berejiklian may be seen by some as the sympathetic and busy face of the state's response to these events,I will always remember her as the face of failure in a state which,under her watch,continues to be fuelled by coal. How trivial now was her response to those students,whose future she has seen as a secondary concern to the desires of the big lobbyists and political donors? -Marie Healy,Hurlstone Park

Let us not be conned by the headline that the Liberals are rethinking their climate policy ("Coalition rethinks climate targets",February 10). The track record of the government is so poor that it is fair to say that they are not capable of providing a plan forward. Any tinkering of their policies will be politically driven and short sighted. The answer is to take a holistic bipartisan approach to the problem and realise that the community expects answers and that it may be costly,in whatever form that takes,in the short term,to provide for a long term future. Just do it. -Michael Blissenden,Dural

Morrison says that he would never make a commitment on 2050 emissions targets if he could not tell the Australian people what it would cost them. So after days of torrential rain,we have advice for motorists to stay off the roads,54 schools closed,landslide and other destruction causing rail network disruption,mass evacuations,power outages,not to mention huge losses and insurance claims. Is anyone keeping tabs on what all this costs? Time to acknowledge the huge price of doing nothing through ignorance and ineptitude on climate policy. -Brenda Kilgore,Red Hill,ACT

Right now,Anthony Albanese has the most important job in the country,to develop a fully alternative government with plans for a just transition to a renewable,sustainable Australia. -Don Smith,Ashfield

Richard Marles managed to ostracise 90 per cent of Labor voters with his pronouncement (on ABC'sInsiders) that coal remains on the Labor platform. If being in opposition,two years from an election is not the time to pronounce bold new policies to reflect the mood of the electorate,then when? -Antony Bennett,Bar Beach

Voice of reason in the euthanasia debate

Moderator of the Uniting Church synod Simon Hansford is setting a good example for others in the Christian fold by advocating informed discussion on sensitive social issues ("Church urges new debate on euthanasia,"February 10) rather than calling for total prohibition like many other church leaders.

Many Christians,and non-Christians,expect a reasoned debate on issues which will impinge on their lives. The result of the same-sex marriage plebiscite indicated just how out of touch many Christian leaders are. If the church (in the broadest sense) is going to be part of the community,it should be an influence for common sense and compassion,not mind-numbing opposition. -Derrick Mason,Boorowa

I am a religious agnostic. I live in a secular state. I believe in the right of people to have free will and to exercise freedom of choice when it comes to voluntary euthanasia. Why should any organised religion have any influence whatsoever on my rights as an Australian citizen in this most important and personal matter of all? If the nation wants a prime example of religious discrimination par excellence,this is it. It is religion seeking to actively discriminate against the rest of the law-abiding community. -Peter Bower,Naremburn

Poor example

What an incredibly childish dummy-spit ("Llew O'Brien quits Nationals amid simmering tensions of party's leadership",February 10). And they wonder why we hold politicians in such low esteem. -James Mahoney,McKellar,ACT

Puzzled Queenslanders state-wide are asking the same question. Who O’Brien? -Robert Christie,Cleveland,(QLD)

Problem with Pascoe

The measured editorial makes salient observations (“Row over author’s ancestry hurts Indigenous cause” Feb 10). Attempts to discredit the family background of an author who has made significant contributions to the providing nuanced ethnographic accounts of First Australians,play directly into the hands of a few powerful commentators and misguided agitators. A cohort whose vested interests rely on maintaining the deplorable status quo of cultural divisionism care of their manipulative ranting. Indigenous Australians guided by their leaders shouldn’t fall for the bait. In a period where our nation’s continent is facing enormous challenges in managing a balanced sustainable environment,we could surely benefit from the ancient wisdom of First Australians. -Cleveland Rose,Dee Why

Your editorial suggests we should sweep the Pascoe controversy under the carpet in the interests of Aboriginal advancement. The distribution ofDark Emu in schools assures the reverse. The book opens with the suggestion that “Europeans stare at the stars,but Aboriginal people also see the spaces in between.” I would suggest that these ethnically based night-gazing blinkers are a figment of Pascoe’s imagination. Pinning Aboriginal political hopes on this sentimental overreach can only end badly – irrespective of his ancestry. -Peter Robinson,Ainslie,ACT

Illustration:John Shakespeare

Illustration:John ShakespeareCredit:

Can't fool the experts

Australia will slash funding to the Commonwealth in response to a cronyism scandal. Baroness Scotland allegedly waived tender rules and handed work worth nearly $500,000 to a friend and colleague ("Commonwealth cash cut in cronyism scandal",February 10). The Commonwealth’s board of governors,of which High Commissioner George Brandis is a leading member,will now investigate. I would think trying to sneak a bit of amateurish cronyism past the Australian government would be like trying to pick the pocket of that arch-scoundrel Fagin. -Paul Keir,Concord

The Morrison government is withholding payments to the Commonwealth fund because they dislike poor procurement procedures being implemented by the current Secretary General. Is there an emoji that shows someone dying of laughter? If so,please insert now. -Frank Gasparre,Eastwood

ICAC uproar

A powerful,well-funded and clearly independent federal ICAC has become an issue of,as they like to say,“national security” (“Taylor mystery remains” and “Whitewash proven”,Letters,February 10). Twenty years ago it would have simply been a good idea - now it’s an urgentmeasure to save our democracy. -Peter Russell,Coogee

Does Phil Gaetjens not understand that at best he will be heckled for the rest of his career for being the only one in Australia naive enough to overlook the connection between the sports grants and vote buying? Or is it Morrison who clearly believes that a majority of us Australians are stupid and naive enough not to make the connection? Morrison has insulted all Australians by his assumption and must go. Gaetjens should go to avoid the ultimate degradation,being labelled a Morrison lickspittle. -Frank Kelly,Crabbes Creek

Hidden motive

It is not hard to conclude that the interest of the Commonwealth,through Attorney-General Christian Porter,in preventing public access to Governor-General Kerr’s papers relating to the 1975 dismissal of the Whitlam government ("Dismissal of our right to know",February 10) is because they fear there may be some reflection on the Coalition,and therefore political damage to the present government. -Norman Carter,Roseville Chase

Born teachers

The problem with helping teachers to improve ("Master teachers programs fail grade",February 10) is that teaching well is elusive because it's beyond a craft - it's an art form. The most important factor in being a successful teacher is the personality of the teacher. There are other important factors (training,imagination,reward for effort,respect from the community,resources,class sizes and more) but the right personality is key. That is why a formulaic approach to creating master teachers will fail - because great teachers are born,not made. -Jim Croke,Stanmore

Reality check

The major supermarket chains claim that they are expanding self checkouts because of the growing demand of consumers ("Disabled and low-skilled most at risk from automation",February 10).

I point blank refuse to check my own groceries. I would be doing someone out of a job and that person could well be a student trying to earn a quid,a mum juggling their work hours or someone who is poorly skilled. I’ve heard that theft from self checkouts is rife. Perhaps store losses will become so great that they are forced to revert to serviced checkouts. -Genevieve Milton,Newtown

A step backwards

There was a time,pre-NBN,when power cuts were simply inconvenient. But at least the telephones were working. Now,thanks to the glorious NBN,everything is off. -John P. Arslett,St Ives Chase

Sinking feeling for museum

Considering the river has flooded at Parramatta two years in a row now perhaps they should be moving the Maritime Museum there instead. -Todd Hillsley,Homebush

"Will it be locusts next?"asked my Paris-based son upon hearing of our post-fire flooding. (Letters,February 10) -Judith Fleming,Sawtell

Weight of evidence

Having just been selected for jury service I was wondering if anti-vaxers and climate change deniers are exempted due to their inability to weigh up the evidence. -John Mizon,Collaroy

If Jim Molan does not rely on evidence for climate change,did he adopt the same practice in Iraq,or did he just rely on Honest John? -Garry Donnelly,Repton

Humble brag

Thanks for trying to cover for me,but I'd better own up (Letters,February 10). The deluge was my fault. I left the roof down on the sports car. -Terry McGee,Malua Bay

Credit where it's undue

So the banks are cutting interest rates on term deposits to 1.4 per cent or less ("Term deposit rates still shrinking"February 10). I just checked my credit card statement and they’re currently charging 20.2 per cent interest. Great to see they were paying attention at the royal commission. -Matt Petersen,Randwick

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