ABC's 7.30 program revealed alleged acts of animal cruelty against former racehorses.

ABC's 7.30 program revealed alleged acts of animal cruelty against former racehorses. Credit:ABC 7.30

In the segment,Mr V'landys also questioned what the people"attacking thoroughbred racing"were doing about the thousands of domestic cats and dogs abandoned and euthanised each year,a statementwhich was condemned by racing figures in NSW.

His legal team,headed by Bruce McClintock,SC,will argue before the court that the segment implied Mr V'landys"callously permitted the wholesale slaughter of thoroughbred horses"and"dishonestly asserted that no racehorses were sent to knackeries for slaughter in New South Wales when he knew that was untrue".


They will also argue that the program made out that due to his"indifference to their suffering",Mr V'landys had"ignored the cruelty to which thoroughbred horses were subjected to in a Queensland abattoir".

"By reasons of the matter complained of,the Applicant has been greatly injured and his business,personal and professional reputation has been,continues to be and will be brought into public disrepute,ridicule and contempt,"court documents state.

Mr V'landys will also argue that the segment implied he was lying when he said that Racing NSW"cared about the welfare of thoroughbred horses"and took"adequate steps to protect their welfare".

"It's before the courts and we will be pursuing it vigorously,"Mr V'landys said.

A spokeswoman for the ABC said the company would be"defending the proceedings".

A case management hearing is listed for April 2 in the Federal Court.

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